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We stopped somewhere for takeout, a place that seemed far too noisy and bright, so I stayed outside and Richy stayed with me. I wondered how the DMV was going to go tomorrow if I couldn't even handle being inside a small restaurant in a small town. When we got to the hotel that Jessy had picked out, she asked for three rooms. Richy and I glanced at each other and I said, "Actually, we only need two rooms."

Jessy and Dan shared a look but didn't say anything. They were walking ahead of us to the rooms, arguing quietly about something. Dan kept shaking his head and Jessy kept insisting. "What's going on, guys?" Richy asked.

"Nothing," Dan said quickly. Jessy looked back at us and smiled, but she looked tense. We sat down and ate together in one of the rooms. I stayed quiet, watching and listening. I was missing something, but didn't know what. They talked to us about Cleo and Thomas, who were now officially a couple, how my family was doing, even Lilly, who they said had never believed we had run off, either. 

"How's my mom?" Richy asked. I knew that was it from their faces. I reached over to hold Richy's hand.

"Richy, I'm so sorry. Your mom is gone," Jessy told him softly, tears in her eyes.

He started shaking, and I stood up to wrap my arms around his shoulders. "How long ago?"

"About four months ago," Dan answered. "It was very peaceful. In her sleep."

"We took pictures and videos of her every day till the end," Jessy said. "We never gave up hope that we'd find you. And we kept all of your stuff for you. It's at the barn, along with both of your cars."

"Why did you move his stuff? Not that I mind," I said quickly. "I'm just wondering."

Jessy sighed, and looked down. Dan frowned. "Bill said he couldn't stand to be alone in the house any longer with all of the memories. He moved away."

"He sold the house?" Richy asked. "My childhood home? The last place that my mother lived..." he turned into me, wrapping his arms around my waist to muffle his cries.

"We're so sorry for your loss Richy," Dan said. "We'll let you guys get some rest." They left quietly, and I continued standing, letting Richy cry, running my fingers through his hair. 

"I'm sorry, Richy. Your mom was a wonderful person. I loved her so much," I whispered to him.

"I can't believe it. I knew it was coming eventually, but why did it have to be while I was gone?"

"Sometimes, there's no good reason. I wish I could give you one."

"I guess, it doesn't really matter anyway. She's gone, and I never got to say goodbye. And it's all thanks to whoever took us."

"And Jake, who could have tried to find us, but didn't," I finished. 

Richy sighed. "I don't blame him for this, Li."

"Well, I do," I told him. "I lost her, too. Seh was very important to me."

Richy dropped his arms from me, and stared at his food. "I'm not hungry anymore." That was not a good sign.

"Do you want to watch TV? Or just go to sleep?"


"Alright. You use the bathroom first, and I'll put this away." I fished through the stuff Jessy had brought us and handed Richy a toothbrush and toothpaste. I cleared up the food and trash, and found Li had brought my favorite pajamas. She was so thoughtful. 

I went to join Richy and brush my teeth. I told him, "You know you're staying with me, right? In case you thought there were other options."

"Are you sure? I know I said you could stay with me at the apartment, but I didn't want to assume..."

But It Isn't Right (Duskwood Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now