Episode 10 - Safe and Sorry

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I immediately turned the flashlight on from my phone. "Everybody OK?" I asked.

"What happened?" Jessy asked nervously.

"Calm down!" Cleo hushed her. "It's just a blackout. We had one this afternoon."

"I know where the fuse box is," Thomas said.

"I'll go with you," I told him. I picked up the gun from the table, just in case. I followed him downstairs to the access panel and held up my phone so he could see. He reset the breaker and the lights came back on. 

"Right. This fuse box is a complete disaster," he commented. "We should be prepared, this might happen a few times."

"Richy did mention this on his packing list," I told him. Thomas nodded in acknowledgment. 

"What did Phil mean?" Lilly asked the moment we were back upstairs. "He said he's coming for us. Does he know where we are?"

"Tch, he's bluffing," Dan said.

"We need to make sure of that. Give me a moment to think and discuss this with Jake," I told them and headed back to my room.

"Li," Jessy said, hurrying after me.

"Hey, Jessy," I said sadly.

"Look I--I didn't want to bother you before, but...two things. First, thank you for singing that song. I know it was for you, too, but it helped all of us."

I swallowed. "You're welcome."

"Second. I'm sorry I didn't come to you before, but...well. Anyway, I found the record for the AMC Gremlin."

"What? That's great news!" She handed it to me. "Thank you, Jessy," I said, but she was already walking away. I sighed and closed my bedroom door.

Jake: Li? Are you there? We need to speak immediately.

Li: Jake, Jessy just handed me the paperwork for the Gremlin. You'll never guess--it belonged to Ted Madruga!

Jake: The one who is in prison?

Li: Yes! And here's the really interesting part...the paperwork says that ten years ago, it was in Richy's junkyard scheduled to be scrapped. It is possible that we've had it wrong all the while? That it was Ted driving the Gremlin, and not Hannah?

Jake: I'm afraid not. When Lilly brought up his name, I checked, and he was already imprisoned at the time of the accident.

Li: Then how did Hannah get the car??

I froze. No...

Jake: Li...

He had realized the same thing I had.

Li: If it was already at the junkyard, then she probably got it from Richy.

Jake: That seems the most likely scenario.

Li: I don't understand. Are we saying that Richy knew about the accident? Or that he was involved as well?

Jake: We cannot be certain. However, it seems likely that the damaged vehicle would be returned to the junkyard. Jessica did tell you that Roger's Garage was the only option in town at that time.

Jake: I am sorry, but I'm afraid that even given this revelation, we have a more pressing matter to address. Phil called and said he was coming for you. Given that he has Richy and his phone, it is likely that he was able to discover the reservation Richy made for the cabin. I am concerned that he will finally follow through on his threats and is coming for you. You must leave, immediately. 

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