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After dehydrating myself with all the crying, I went inside and looked in the fridge. I didn't even want to open the refrigerator in the barn, because who knew when it had last been cleaned out?

Lola came into the room. "What are you doing? Cleo left all your special food in the barn."

"She did?" I asked, turning to look at her in surprise. Cleo made me food. How sweet she was!

"Why were you crying? I saw that boy leave, did he upset you?"

"No, Lola. I'm just confused and sad."

"I'll make you some food and you can tell me about it. Don't worry, Daniel gave me all the instructions." I laughed, thinking about Dan giving Lola details about how I could eat. "Well, go on. Tell me what's happening. Do you love this boy?"

"Richy. Yes, I love him. But my best friend loves him, too. And, there's someone else that I love, but he's...I don't know where he is right now."

"Is it Jake?" Lola's face showed interest. "That one is very handsome." She wriggled her eyebrows at me.

"He is?" I questioned, blushing.

"You don't know? Li, are you in love with a man that you haven't even met?"

"Yes. And I don't know when I will meet him, or for how long I'll be able to see him."

"Well. I will tell you about him then. That night, Jake showed up here and went directly to Lolo. He was clearly worried about you, he would not stop talking about you. But he came here, he treated Pops with respect, and he made sure that Dari and Hannah were safe. I didn't see Richy anywhere."

"Lola, Richy didn't come because he was shot the night of the explosion in the mines. Also if it wasn't for Richy knowing me so well, they never would have known how to find me."

"Well, I didn't know that. And if that's the case, then I'm thankful for Richy and the part he has played. But this Jake. He said your name like it was a prayer, and you didn't see the anguish and longing on his face when he spoke of how much he cared for you."

I stared at her in surprise. Jake had talked openly about his feelings for me, in front of my grandparents. I was not expecting that. He had always been so closed-off and secretive, even with me. 

"He even made a promise to your Lolo that he would always protect you, and shook his hand."

I smiled. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. That sounds exactly like the man that I've come to know."

A plate of food was set in front of me. "So are you going to at least meet Jake before you make a decision?"

"I would like to, but I don't know when I'll be able to see him."

"The right man for you will wait as long as it takes, Li. And you're a good girl; you shouldn't settle."

I smiled. "Thank you, Lola."

I ate my food, quickly calling my parents while I did. They seemed happy to hear from me and promised they would come by on the weekend to see me. I was glad that they didn't push for me to come home to them. I think having some quiet and privacy right now would be good for me. After my dinner, I went back to the barn and checked the refrigerator. It was fully stocked with neatly-labeled containers in both the refrigerator and freezer. Cleo had even left a note, explaining details about each dish. I smiled with joy at my friend's kindness. I would have to call and thank her.

Now. It was time to do the thing I'd been both looking forward to and afraid of. I needed to text Jake.

Li: Hi, Jake. 🙂 I'm sorry it took me so long to text you. I just got out of the hospital today and got my phone back from Dan. Are you free to talk?

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