Thirty Days

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"Jake, please," I gasped. "They're gonna be here any minute." I was naked underneath him, and terrified of my friends walking in.

"Just five more minutes," he replied, groaning.

"You said that, like, twenty minutes ago!"

He stopped moving and gave me the eye. "If you are looking at a clock right now, then I'm not doing my job properly." His mouth closed over mine, and I let out a little moan against his tongue as he started moving again. I was seeing stars by the time we were through. And of course, there was a knock on the door.

I stumbled out of bed in a daze, grabbing clothes. "I'm taking a quick shower," I told him. "You, make yourself decent and let our friends in," I ordered. I heard him chuckle behind me.

When I came out of the bathroom, Jake had my medication and breakfast waiting for me at the table. He was lounging on a chair with a satisfied smile when he saw me walk toward him. I tried to act casual and not to make eye contact with Jessy and Dan, but I heard Jessy's giggle and flushed. Then I gasped and turned even redder when Dan gave Jake a high-five.

"Anyway," I grumbled. "Let's get to work." 

I outlined my plans for the next month, and beyond. "Li, this is incredibly kind of you," Jessy said. "But are you sure you can handle all of this?"

"I will be helping as well," Jake put in. "I have begun learning Li's software, and I am already proficient at photography and filming." I nodded and smiled. Jake hadn't mentioned knowing how to film or photograph before. I suspected that I knew where that proficiency came from, but if I was right, then I would likely never know for certain. I didn't mind, though. I loved finding out new things about Jake.

"OK then, what are we working on first?" Jessy asked, eager to get started.

"Hannah has chosen not to be filmed but gave me the OK to talk about her, and Lilly is going to come by and do the video with me. So I'd like to make a video about her later. But Richy is coming over in a bit, and he and I are going to make a video together that we can post on both of our channels."

Jessy nodded sympathetically. "Alright. If you want to give me an outline for scripts, I can help with that."

"I'll definitely need one for Hannah. But Richy and I are just going to wing it."

While Dan and Jake discussed lighting, sound, and camera placement, I went into the bathroom to try to make myself look more presentable. I was already fighting off tears and ultimately decided that I didn't care. I was going to be upset, and wouldn't be able to hide that from our audience. Nor should I. This was not a happy occasion. 

Richy came in, his face looking drawn and nervous. I rushed to him and hugged him. "Are you ready for this?" he asked into my hair. 

I shook my head. "I'll never be ready for any of it. But we're doing it anyway." I took his hand and led him to the set, which was already configured. I looked over at Jake, worried that he'd be upset I was holding Richy's hand. But he just smiled at me and winked.

I took a couple of deep breaths, and when Richy indicated that he was ready, I nodded at Dan and he started recording. I looked at Richy and he started talking while he continued holding my hand.

"Hey, guys, Li and Richy here. This is going to be a different video from normal because we have a few big announcements. First of all, Li and I broke up. Now, I know that you all realize she's out of my league, so you assume that she was the one who ended things. But before you start attacking her, you should know that it was me. So if you want someone to blame, direct your anger my way, OK?"

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