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Despite the disruption to what I had hoped would be a perfect day, the ending was still good. Richy and I curled up in bed and watched some videos for a while. But our hands kept wandering until the laptop was ignored and we demonstrated our love for each other with words and actions. Each time we joined together, I felt even closer to him, and more in love. He was so tender and passionate and attentive to me. And I loved how unrestrained he was in showing me how he felt, and how I made him feel. He was my everything. And now, he had given me a piece of himself and we'd created a life.

It still scared the heck out of me that I was pregnant. The thought was there in the back of my mind, along with other worries. But the more loved I felt by Richy, bit by bit I was less frightened of having a baby.

The rest of life that was going on--that still worried me, a lot. And I didn't know how to talk to everyone about my idea. I didn't even know if it was a good one, or how it would all work. It was going to be a divisive plan, that was for sure. But after wracking my brain, I had nothing else to offer.

So in the morning, in Richy's arms, I told him my idea. He asked some questions, and I answered as best as I could. But there were a lot of things I couldn't answer. "What do you think?" I finally asked after we'd been lying quietly for a while.

"I go where you go, beautiful. You, and now this little one, are my entire world. It doesn't matter where I am, as long as you're there. And this actually sounds kinda cool. Even if the others don't want to, it might be a good idea if we go anyway. But I also don't want you to feel like you need to be separated from everyone important to you, so..."

"I love our family and friends, but I think I finally understand what people mean about your perspective changing when you have kids. We have to protect this baby, so as much as it would make me sad if we have to leave people behind, that's what I'll do if it means that the three of us are safe."

"Eh, let's be realistic. It's going to be at least four because you know Jake's going to come with us. His protectiveness over you kicked into high gear with the pregnancy, and now he's obtained mother-hen status. It's really quite cute, actually. He's the new third musketeer without a doubt. And speaking of musketeers, I'm pretty sure there's no way Jessy will let us go without her, which means Dan is coming, too."

"Really? You think they'll all come with us?" I asked hopefully. Richy would be more than enough for me, but it would be great if the others agreed.

He kissed my forehead. "Why don't you check this out first, and then we'll call the others to come to talk to us. OK? I'll get us some breakfast in the meanwhile."

"Good idea. Thank you, Richy. Have I told you today how awesome you are?"

"Haha. You just did. And you are very awesome yourself." After a sweet kiss, he sauntered off to the kitchen and I took out my phone. 

I did some quick math in my head about time zones and decided my family would still be up. "Tita Malu? It's Li, kamusta ka?---I'm so glad...I'm having some trouble, actually. Listen, I'm hoping you can help me..." Twenty minutes later, I had a full invitation for us and anyone else who wanted to join. My aunt was thrilled at the idea of guests in her mostly empty house, and I was starting to get excited. 

I went to Richy and told him the good news. Then I went into the group chat and asked everyone to come over ASAP. Two minutes later, Jake knocked on the door while we were eating breakfast. Richy fixed him a plate without even asking, and I smiled at the vibe they had going when I watched Jake get his own utensils out of the drawer. I considered getting dressed while we waited for everyone, but decided I just didn't care.

"So, Richy, I take back what I said about not telling everyone about the pregnancy. I think we have to because I want them to understand that it's a deciding factor."

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