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I woke up with Richy curled around me, as usual. He made it very easy to stay in bed and keep sleeping with his warmth surrounding me. I closed my eyes again and snuggled further under the covers. Richy pulled me tighter against him. Neither one of us wanted to get out of bed. Each time we were awake, something else went wrong. Then Richy's phone beeped. He ignored it. A few minutes later, it started ringing. I tried to reach for it, but he pulled me back. "They'll have to give up eventually," he muttered, burying his face in my hair.

Then my phone started ringing. He groaned and grabbed the phone, answering it for me. I raised my eyebrows. "What?" he asked gruffly. "Already? Well, then get something to eat. Yes. Bye."

"Any message for me?" I asked, twisting around to look at him.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "I just knew who it was and what they probably wanted. I was right." He placed my phone back on the table and wrapped his arm around me again. "We have to get up soon, but I just want to stay here forever."

"Your stomach will force you to get up sooner or later," I teased.

"You're right. Now that you mention it, I actually am hungry." I laughed at him.

We dragged ourselves out of bed. I went to the bathroom to get dressed while Richy took food out of the mini-fridge and put it in the microwave. Then, we switched.

In no time we were dressed, fed, and packed. I soon realized we were driving back to the loft, and there was a large moving truck parked out front. "What--" I stopped talking when I saw Jessy and Dan standing next to the truck. I looked at Richy, and he smiled at me. I didn't know what was happening, but I was excited. As soon as the truck was parked, Jessy was at my door, hopping up and down. I barely got my seatbelt unbuckled and the door opened before Jessy practically tackled me. 

"Jessy, no!" Richy admonished her. "You have to be careful with Li."

"I'm OK, Richy," I said. "Hugs are good for the heart. Now, will somebody please tell me what's going on?"

Dan walked up. "Hey, kiddo." His hug was much gentler. "Can I get your keys? We need to get to work." I handed him my key, then turned to Richy with questions in my eyes. He smiled at me.

"Dan? Is she safe out here?" 

"Yep," Dan replied. "Hacker man said there are agents watching."

"Just to be safe, you guys should sit in the truck and lock the doors." He waited for us to do what he said, and then he followed Dan into the building. 

"He sure has gotten bossy," Jessy commented. "I feel like he's even bossier with you than he ever was when I was his employee."

"He's just worried, Jessy. I keep almost dying and fainting in front of him; that's a lot for anyone to take."

"But you're OK, right?" Jessy looked at me hopefully.

"I hope so," I said. I explained everything the doctor told us yesterday.

"I hate my brother!" Jessy cried, her eyes watering. "He did this to you."

"Let's talk about something else. What exactly is happening here? I'm glad to see you both, but I have no idea what's going on. Richy said not to worry about it."

"Well, he called everyone last night and he said what Phil did to your loft, and that you ended up in the hospital again because of the stress. So we all scrambled to find stuff to donate to you to replace all that was damaged. The guys are up there cleaning up the mess, and when that's done, we're moving things in. Including my stuff and Dan's," she added, blushing lightly.

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