Love Is The Best Medicine

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I woke up the next morning, grumpy that Richy was gone from the bed. He almost never left me alone in bed anymore, and I was cold. Then I heard murmured voices, so I wrapped my thick, fluffy bathrobe around me and shuffled out of the bedroom to see Jake and Richy talking quietly, Richy with his guitar in hand. Jake was at the table facing toward me and saw me first. "Good morning, Li. How are you feeling?"

"OK, I guess." I was always cranky after a hospital visit.

Richy turned around, putting his guitar down, and came over to hug and kiss me. "Did we wake you? I wanted to let you rest, but Jake needed the faster internet."

"And you were serenading him while he worked?" I asked, nodding toward the guitar.

Richy chuckled. "Just running a few song ideas past him."

"Oh," I responded, feeling a little left out. "That's nice."

Richy insisted I sit at the table while he heated up some breakfast for me. The two guys had already eaten. I felt like I had sand in my eyes and my throat was raw. "I hope I didn't get a nosocomial infection," I said, rubbing my throat.

Jake looked up at me, concerned. "You believe you contracted an illness at the hospital?'

I smiled. "You know what that means? I was hoping to trip you up."

"My mother had a nosocomial infection before she died," he explained.

My smile vanished. "I'm sorry, Jake. Will you tell me about her sometime?"

"I will," he promised. "But first I must finish this code. Tyler and the Agents are halfway to Washington already, and we would like to coordinate the release with their arrival."

"Of course. I won't bother you anymore," I said. Richy placed some tea in front of me, and I sipped at it.

"Li, you are not bothering me," Jake assured me. "Oh," he lowered his voice while Richy was back in the kitchen. "I assisted Jessy with the wedding present you requested. It is taken care of."

"Really?" I gasped as quietly as I could. "Thank you so much! When will..."

"The day after tomorrow in the morning should be plenty of time," he replied, smiling at me.

"Thank you, Jake, really. I appreciate it so much." I hummed into my tea happily, then texted Jessy quickly before Richy came back with my food. "Thank you for breakfast," I told him.

"No problem at all," Richy replied, sitting next to me. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Oh, I was just thinking that in two days we should get married."

He grinned at me. "Really?"

"Yep. Is that alright?"

"Let's do it! What do we need to do still?"

"Well, you guys can wear whatever, but I'm only doing this once, so I want something nice and pretty but warm to wear. But I know I can't just go shopping," I said quickly before there could be protests, "So Jessy is bringing a bunch of stuff over to me later today. Dan's taking her to pick things out. I don't even have to leave home," I finished, pleased with myself.

"You don't want everyone to look nice?" Richy questioned.

"No, there's no need for that. Most of my clothing is still too loose, and I want something that fits me. This isn't about being fancy."

"OK," Richy shrugged.

"I appreciate your dress code, as my wardrobe is very limited," Jake replied, his eyes on his screen.

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