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Jake texted me in the morning to say that he and Tyler had finished with the data. Tyler was set to meet Laura in the afternoon, and then would update us after. Richy and I were working when I got a text from a different number. It was Tyler, he said he was outside my door and 'wanted to say goodbye.'

I sighed, my stomach twisted in knots. "You may hear some yelling, but it's just going to be me shouting at Tyler," I told Richy, kissing his cheek.

"Ohh-kay...should I be worried? Maybe stand on the other side of the door and listen?" Richy was starting to look nervous, too.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, but maybe that's best, just to be safe." I pulled him to me and gave him a long hug.

"I'll be right here," he told me, and I smiled, feeling better knowing he was just a few feet away. Our dependency on each other hadn't lessened, despite the therapy. Susanna said it was OK as long as it didn't cause anxiety. But we avoided the anxiety by never being apart; when we were, the nerves kicked in, like right now. 

I shut the door loosely behind myself so that Richy could hear better. Tyler was leaning against his car. I don't even want to know how or where he'd gotten it from, because he hadn't parked it at the house. "Hi," I said neutrally, trying to stay calm. I still didn't like being alone with him, but I just kept reminding myself that Richy was right there.

"Li." Somehow, he made my name more than one syllable when he said it. And there were many emotions behind it. I began fidgeting under his gaze.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, wanting to get this over with.

"I..." his shoulders slumped. "I just wanted to see you. And to reassure you again that...whatever Laura wants with me, is not what I want."

"Yes, you've said that before," I said crossly. "You don't need to keep telling me. And it's fine if you do want her--that's none of my business."

"But I want it to be your business! I want you to care," he muttered.

"So, you want me to be hurt again, being reminded that you're going to see the woman who you cheated on me with while I was trapped in the middle of the ocean? Maybe you want me to be jealous? Or should I regret cutting you off after finding out you gave up on me? Oh, I know, I'm supposed to forgive you after finding out that you held my friend and forced him to work for you for TWO YEARS!"

Tyler opened his mouth, then closed it. Then spoke again. "If we had met, and you had seen my real face, known the real me, would I have had any chance with you?" 

 "That's a pointless question, Tyler. Because I never got to know the real you, and it's too late for me to forget everything you've done."

"Just one more question, please, and then I promise I'll stop bugging you."

"Ugh, what is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Why Richy? I mean, between him and Jake, I thought you would have chosen Jake, because you chose me. So how did you end up deciding on Richy?"

I sighed. "So many reasons. First of all, I love him. I've loved him for, I don't know, five years now. That was something that I didn't even admit to myself until recently. I know him, and he knows me. We're not perfect people, but we accept each other as we are. He always has my back, even when it hurts him. He always watches out for the people he loves, even if it puts him in jail, like it did with Hannah, or he has to do a job that he doesn't want, like he did to take care of his parents. That's Richy for you.

"He's handsome. His smile lights up my day. His voice and mine flow like we were made to sing together. He's so smart, loyal, resourceful, loving, and talented, that I feel lucky and proud to be around him. My heart flutters when he looks at me and my happy place is in his arms. He lets me be my own person but he's always there to catch me if I fall. He's my best friend and I never get tired of him. He makes me feel more myself, and as if I don't have to be anything else besides who I am. There's nothing more I could need from someone." 

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