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"Li," Jake said again. "Are you alright? You seem...unwell."

"She's late getting her evening medicine, and she hasn't eaten in 12 hours," Richy said. "Can you guys handle the rest of this without us?"

Jake looked at me sadly. "You should rest."

"I'll make sure they know everything that I know," Tyler said. "You have my word."

"OK," I replied sleepily. I walked myself out to the truck, declining Richy's offer to carry me. It was embarrassing enough to have to leave before we were done working. "This never happened when we were searching for Hannah," I complained. "I always got my work done and still had enough energy to help you guys."

"You didn't have a heart condition before, Li. Give yourself some grace."

I spent the ride home snuggled up against Richy, listening to him sing along to the radio under his breath. "I love your voice," I mumbled.

"Thank you," he replied, looking bashful. "I guess that's a good thing, given how often you have to listen to it."

"Everything about you makes me feel safe. Even though I never thought I'd feel safe again. Which is why...Richy, we don't know how much time we have left."

"Li, please don't talk like that. You and I are going to have a long, happy life together. The universe couldn't be so cruel as to let everything end so soon after we finally found each other again."

"I want you to be right," I told him. "But all we're guaranteed is today. I think we've both had enough brushes with death to know that's true. That's why we should cherish what we have right now, and treat every moment as if it's precious."

"OK, I can agree to that. I was trying to do that in my own way by bringing you to dinner, but sadly everything is closed this late. Did you have something else in mind?"

"Yes..." Oh gosh, I was not good at talking about this. But it was Richy. "I was wondering if you think we're ready to, I mean, it's really been a long time, but maybe you don't want to because of Tyler?"

"Because of Tyler? You lost me. I thought you were going to say that we should go on tour or put out a new album. But I guess I don't know what you're talking about."

"Let me start over again. Last week, when we were at our doctor's appointments. I asked to be started on the Depo shot."

We were pulling up to the farm, and Richy turned to me in consternation. "You have to be on a new medication? What is it for?"

Ugh, he didn't know what Depo-Provera was. I guess I'd have to be direct. "It's for birth control," I spit out finally. "And I know it was presumptuous because I hadn't spoken with you yet about us getting back together, but I was hoping that it might be time for us to take that step in our relationship. But if the whole thing about me being with Tyler before bothers you, or you aren't ready yet, then..." 

Richy's lips were suddenly upon mine. "I love you," he told me. "I don't care that you were with Tyler first. He lied to you, which means he took your decision away from you. Either way, your past doesn't make me not want to be with you. If you're sure you're ready, then I am too. But I don't want you to feel any pressure, after everything you've been through. We can wait as long as you need."

I smiled at him. "No time like the present," I said, glad he couldn't see my beet-red cheeks in the dark.

"Right now? But you're tired..." Richy rubbed the back of his neck.

I giggled. "I'm awake now. You're not getting cold feet, are you?"

He grinned at the challenge in my voice. "Hell, no." Laughing, we left the truck and hurried into the barn. We started kissing, and then Richy froze. "Damnit. Those cameras...sorry, Li, but I really want to cover those up before we--"

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