After - Gone

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"Sweetheart, please eat." I refused to look at Phil or acknowledge his coaxing. Last night was the longest of my life. I had walked away from everyone I held close to my heart, straight into the arms of this murderer. I thought I was saving them, but I was wrong. 

With a single tap on his screen, Phil had killed Hannah and Dari while I watched helplessly. Not only that, but I had sent Jake, Thomas, and possibly my grandfather into the mines, and they were probably dead now, too. All gone from this world, despite my best efforts.

And the cherry on top was the horribly painful conversation with Richy. I had given him what I hoped he would recognize as an SOS, but without my phone it would be useless information. Then I had pushed him toward Jessy and told him goodbye. 

And if he or the others who remained were to go to the police about Phil, I doubted it would make a difference for me. It had done nothing to help Hannah.

I loved Richy; I could finally admit it to myself now. And while I was admitting things, I knew that I loved Jake, too. Which one did I love enough to be with? It didn't really matter, because one had probably been involved in the killing of an innocent woman, and the other was dead. It appeared I was doomed to spend whatever time I had left with this horrid, twisted person who thought that love meant murder and kidnapping.

The one saving grace was that Phil considered himself "a man of honor," and was convinced that I would fall in love with him in a natural way. So he wouldn't force himself on me. He hugged me, held my hand, and kissed me. But he vowed he wouldn't go any further than that until I asked him to.

For now.

I thought I was managing him until he pulled the rug out from under me and murdered an unknown number of people before my eyes. I couldn't pretend anymore that anything was under my control. I could only hope to escape or to starve to death, and quickly, before anything worse happened.

I wanted Phil to die; make no mistake. But I wasn't a violent person. And aside from my hatred for him, I recognized that he was mentally ill and that made him less responsible for his actions than a sane person. 

These were the musings I'd had for the last twelve hours while he stayed by my side relentlessly, revolting me with his touch and his declarations of affection.

"Babe, I'm going to pick up a surprise for you." Did he not understand what a surprise was? "You stay here and rest." 

I continued ignoring him; he kissed my forehead and left, locking the door behind himself. I couldn't believe that he'd leave me so soon. I sprung into action. I ran to the door and waited for 30 seconds to pass after seeing the car leaving through the gate. Then I tried opening the door; as expected, it could only be opened with a key. I went to the kitchen, looking for any tool that could help me pick the lock.

There were nothing in the kitchen that was accessible to me at all. Everything must all be locked inside cabinets and drawers. So Phil wasn't as stupid as I thought. I looked in other rooms, but anything of use was absent or similarly secured behind locks. Phil was just as sneaky as I had feared, despite acting like he trusted me.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but I heard the gate opening and a car coming through again. I went back to the sofa where I had been sitting and wrapped the blanket around me once more. I slowed my breathing, hoping my heartbeat would also slow, and stared blankly at the wall.

"Surprise, baby!" Phil placed a bouquet of red roses in front of me. "Aren't they pretty?" He held me tightly. "Li, I love you. Won't you love me back? I can make you happy, I just know it."

I kept staring at the wall. "Li." he shook me lightly, and then harder. OK, time for a new tactic. This was my last resort, but I didn't know what else to do.

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