Graduation Exam

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Today was the graduation exam to become a Genin. It was obviously pointless for me to do this since I already know this stuff. I took a glance at Naruto and noticed he was shaking. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, Naruto?" I gently asked, my eyes looking worried. He glanced up at me before smiling hesitantly.

"I'm alright (Y/N)! Believe it!" He shouted. I looked at him unsure before paying attention to Iruka-Sensei

"The exams will now start," Iruka-Sensei began "All you have to do it wait for me to call your names and perform the clone jutsu." He informed. Really? That's so easy....

Time Skip//////// (I'm being too lazy)

"(Y/N)" I looked up when I heard my name being called. I slowly walked down the steps and followed Iruka-Sensei into another room. He walked over to a table and sat down next to another man. I could sense an evil aura coming from him

'Kid, this guy looks like he's up to something. Don't trust him...' I narrowed my eyes at the other teacher.

"(Y/N), this is Mizuki-Sensei" Mizuki gazed at me before giving a fake smile.

"All you need to do is create two clones to pass" Iruka instructed. I nodded my head

"Shadow clone Jutsu!" Iruka and Mizuki gave me shocked looks at 2 shadow clones appeared.

"W-well done (Y/N), you pass! Come collect your forehead protector" I walked up and took a headband. When Iruka wasn't looking I quickly took a Kunai and threw it at Mizuki. He yelped and dodged it.

"If you ever harm this village or my friend, I'll have your head mounted on a stick" I hissed venomously as he paled. I smiled innocently when Iruka turned back to me. I waved my hand and walked out the door. I walked around aimlessly until I spotted Naruto sitting on the swings, looking sad. I felt my heart clench and hid my headband away.

"Hey, isn't it that boy?" One lady whispered

"I heard he was the only one who didn't pass" Another whispered

"Wouldn't want him becoming a ninja, since he has-"

"We mustn't talk about it. It's forbidden!" I glared at them as I cleared my throat.

"Why don't you ladies shut the hell up! You don't know Naruto so don't ever disrespect or mistreat my friend" I threatened. They looked at me in horror before running away in fear. I smiled innocently before walking up to Naruto

"Hi..." I quietly spoke. He glanced up at me

"You didn't pass?" Naruto asked me. I shook my head sadly

"I sort of panicked and ended up using way too much chakra. My clones came out a mess...." I lied

"Don't be sad Naruto, we both didn't pass but there is always next time. These type of things take time. The graduation exam is always going to be there. So don't feel like you're a failure because you're not. You're more than that deep inside. You're gonna be Hokage one day! Hokage's don't sulk!" I lightly scolded, poking his nose with my index finger. He blushed before nodding

"You're right! I'm gonna be Hokage one day! This isn't gonna hold me back, believe it!" He pumped his fist. I giggled at his behavior. I waved goodbye to him

"Glad you're feeling better. See you later, Naruto" I have a feeling he'll do great.... I smirked.

A/n: Enjoy

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