Naruto Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

I ran my hand through Naruto's soft fluffy hair as his head was placed on my lap. We were out on the hills, it was our day off. I started to scratch a particular spot Naruto liked, a low, pleased rumble left his throat. I endearingly smiled, staring off into the bright sunny sky.

The winds blew harshly against my face, making my hair slap harshly against my face. I let out a disgruntled growl of annoyance. The blond laughed at my misfortune. I frowned at him. Then, I slyly grinned; I stood up without warning, causing the blond to unexpectedly fall backwards.

"Who's laughing now," I teased.

"That's so mean, dateebayo! I only laughed at you!" Naruto complained, rubbing the upside of his head as it ached.

I gave Naruto a head pat before I took a seat right next to him, "Naruto, now that everything's over, what do you plan on doing? Other than being the hokage of course."

"Hmm," he thought to himself. His expression brightened for a moment, "I think I got it!"

"Oh? What is it?" I was curious.

"It's a secret!" He shook his head.

I huffed, bonking Naruto on the head, "You're keeping secrets from me? Your best friend? Do you not consider me as your best friend?"

"Of course you're my best friend, dattebayo! I promise you'll figure out soon enough," Naruto promised.

"Okay," I said, although I was still unsatisfied. Getting him to tell me the secret was better than not knowing at all, "You better tell me or I'll find out from someone else sooner or later."

"You don't have to worry," he gave me his blindingly bright smile, he's such a sunshine.

The two of us lied on the hill, pointing out funny looking clouds. I almost died from laughter when a he pointed at a pineapple looking cloud and said that it reminded him of Shikamaru. His brutal honesty could be the death of him someday, but it was also a lovable aspect of Naruto. He was a bad liar.

I glanced at Naruto. To me, he was a very admirable person. He's outgoing, friendly to anyone and he was willing to risk it all for an absolute nobody, but he also liked to tease others, at least a twelve year old Naruto did. He was able to brighten any situation, like a sun, and even if he did have his faults, he took them and made them his strengths.

Naruto Uzumaki is an amazing person, anyone who says otherwise must be missing some brain cells. The blond noticed my stare, so he turned to face me. He grinned, brushing away a stray lock of (h/c). My cheeks reddened when his fingers grazed my cheeks. What is this boy doing to me?

I shook my head to rid of my flustered state, "I think we need to head back now. We don't want to be late for Shikamaru and Temari's wedding!"

"Oh yeah! Today's the day, we don't wanna be late," Naruto hopped onto his feet and offered me a hand.

I took his hand in mine, he's such a cutie, "Thanks."

"No problem, (Y/n)," Naruto grinned once more.


To be honest, I didn't know what to wear for the wedding. I knew it needed to be something special, I wouldn't want to come to an important event dressed like a heaping trash of dump, much less embarrass my friends on their important day. I frustratedly pressed my face against my hands, I only had one hour to find a perfect dress with shoes and do my hairstyle.

I can't be late. I need to help Temari with preparations. At first, it surprised me when Temari picked me to help her. I wasn't all to close with Temari, but she said I was the most responsible person she knows. Responsible my ass. I'm about to be late, fucking dammit!

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