The Eye Of The Storm

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PS: Extra cussing

(Y/n)'s POV

I watched in the sidelines as Shadow fought with Madara. It was obvious Madara was losing. Black Zetsu took this opportunity and took ahold of the weakened jinchuriki. Black Zetsu forced Madara to summon Kaguya, the mother of all chakra. My blood started to boil, I felt completely useless.

Shadow glanced at me, his eyes were calculative. The dragon disappeared in a purple poof. That was all the evidence I needed to decide on my next move. It was to run. I fled as the tree grew and grew, it absorbed the chakra of the nins that were near it, effectively killing them off.

I paused for a brief second, I spotted Madara, he was unconscious. I let out an annoyed growl and dashed towards the ravenette. Everyone screamed for me to turn around as it looked like I was running right for the tree. I ignored their calls and grabbed Madara by the collar.

I dragged the Uchiha away from the tree. Once we were far away, I could only watch as the tree grew into its full form. When its powers activated, Sasuke shielded Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and I; the members of team seven. In front of us stood Kaguya, I wasn't the least bit intimidated.

Even if we were battered from the previous fights, we still tried our best to attack Kaguya with our mightiest attacks. She was no match for us since Naruto and Sasuke had gotten a blessing from the Sage of Six Paths. Kaguya could no longer take it, so she had separated all of us to deal with us separately.

"You coward," I hissed. "You separated us because we were too powerful for you, huh? That just proves how fucking weak you are."

"Silence!" Kaguya demanded, appearing in front of me.

I glared right back at her; I held my ground, "Fuck you, Kaguya, fuck you."

The woman let out a shriek of anger, she's an emotional one, huh? I dodged all her attacks...that was until I tripped over my own feet due to my clumsiness. I cursed myself for being clumsy. I quickly got back up on my knees, but not before one of Kaguya's attack grazed my cheek.

The cut disappeared quickly; it was all thanks to Shadow. Then, scales covered my body yet again, it was what I called my hybrid form. When the horns grew out of my head and pierced my skin, it no longer hurt. It was clear to me that I was running on pure adrenaline and will-power. Despite not getting heavily injured, I still used a lot of chakra which completely drained me.

The chakra that I had received earlier was already finished, all I had left was my own pool of chakra. I let out a shaky breath to calm myself down, steam escaped my lips as I did so as my breath was hot. I opened my mouth and let out an animalistic growl, molten magma shot out of my mouth.

Kaguya formed a barrier to protect herself. I would've grinned if I wasn't spewing out magma at the moment, her barrier was obviously melting. I internally groaned, she had disappeared. I was teleported to another area. In the distance, I spotted Naruto and Sasuke, they were overpowering Kaguya.

I looked around for Sakura and Kakashi, they had just appeared. I gave them a nod before I rushed towards Kaguya, a rasengan in hand. All it took was one more blow before Kaguya was defeated. Everyone fought tooth and nail to get that blow in. In the end, Team 7 pulled through, just like we always do.

I happily smiled, "It's over...isn't it?"

"It's far from over," Sasuke glared at Naruto and I, "I will rule the world."

I let out a disappointed grumble, this again? "You ruling the world won't bring peace. Step down from your high horse before I fucking make you."

"I agree with (Y/n), dattebayo! Enough is enough, Sasuke!" Naruto shouted.

"No-" Sasuke was about to begin his speech but I cut him off, "No, you shut up and listen! Do you know what pain we've been through trying to save you?!"

"(Y/n), you don't understand, I don't want to be saved!" Sasuke shouted, looking me right in the eye.

"I don't fucking care, just shut the fuck up and listen, won't you?" I sounded desperate, and in truth, I was. "We went through so much shit to get you back, we even went as far as trying to convince Tsunade not to punish you! Can't you understand that we want what's best for you? Listen here, Sasuke, no one else in this shitty god forsaken world would go this far just to save your stupid motherfucking ass. So stop being such a whiny bitch and stop your foolish charade!"

Everyone else looked taken aback, they had never heard me swear that much in the years that they've known me. I ignored them and continued to rant, "You know what? I'd rather die than see the day you rule. No one will love you, are you willing to accept that? Because every single person that cares for you will be dead. Do you really want that? Are you really, really sure you want that?" My voice cracked every now and then; I was getting frustrated.

I placed my hands on my head, clenching my own hair to relieve my frustrations, "Sasuke...all...all I want for you to just return to normal and...come back home....please...that's all I ask of you..."

Sasuke looked extremely torn. Should he follow his heart? Should he follow his mind? Sasuke clenched his fists and bit his lip which drew out blood. Sakura, Kakashi and Naruto waited for Sasuke's reaction whilst checking on me every once in a while. it was hard for the three to believe that I, the toughest of the group, was breaking.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that." Sasuke mumbled. "Once everything is over, I will give you the world and more, (Y/n). So stop crying, wipe those tears away."

"I can't accept that," a bitter laugh racked through my beaten body. "If the world that I fought blood, sweat and tears for isn't the result of this war, I wouldn't want to live. It'll just be evidence of my failure."

I got into a fighting stance. Even if it was shaky, it was a fighting stance nonetheless. Naruto's blue eyes glanced at me, he was extremely worried for me. "(Y/n) don't have to fight. This battle, it's between me and Sasuke so stay out of it!"

I was about to complain, but Kakashi held my back. When I looked at him pleadingly, the silverette simply shook his head. "They need this, (Y/n), let them fight."

"But..But I can't! I can't just watch in the sidelines. I'd be...I'd be useless," I ripped my wrist away from Kakashi's grip, but he was persistent.

"I'm sorry for doing this, (Y/n)," I was about to question what Kakashi meant by that, but before I could, I was met with darkness.

A/n: Enjoy

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