Color Me Surprised...

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(Y/n)'s POV

I sat on the sofa comfortably, completely disregarding the heavy tension in the room. I faced the two males that sat in front of me, their forms were rigid. I let out a sigh, what do they think I am going to do? Torture them? Obviously not, why would I waste chakra to bring them back to life to torture and dispose of them?

"How have the two of you been faring lately? Are there any problems that you've been facing? Are there any questions you want to ask me?" I started, hopefully they'll comply.

"Why did you bring us back to life? We were killed by your comrades, I think they would've appreciated it if we stayed dead." Sasori monotonously questioned, that's a pretty good question.

"The reason why I brought you two back to life is because I'm willing to bet that you would help me and Konoha if I manage to convince you somehow." I explained, if they are not going to help me willingly, I will force them to do so.

"What makes you think that we would help you?!" Deidara defiantly shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at me, it seems as if i will have to force this one.

"What other choice do you have, Deidara? The Akatsuki thinks you're dead, they won't believe that you are alive even if they saw you with their own eyes. They would most definitely kill you since they would think you are a fake. You would have no where to go since the Akatsuki isn't an option. Can't you see that helping me is the best option, not only for yourself, but for your future. You wouldn't want to continue being a criminal, would you?" I tilted my head innocently, my eyes the complete opposite of my facial expression, they were one's of a predator.

"Could you explain why helping you would be the best course of action?" the calmer and more rational one out of the duo asked, at least one of them is logical.

"You see, if you choose to help me, all of the previous crimes you committed would be immediately excused. The two of you might be wondering why you would want such a thing, but consider this. Once you grow old and alone, you won't be strong enough to defend yourself, you would always be on the run your whole entire life. Being on the run when your old and no longer capable of defending yourself is very....unpleasant. If you help us, Konoha, you might be regarded as heroes, the village will offer you their protection." I paused to look at the blond and redette, the two of them had their brows furrowed, good, they are thinking about this offer seriously.

"There are also perks to this agreement, you could use your powers however you wish, but that is only possible when I am supervising you." I grinned, my statement had caught their attention.

"Eh? How is that possible? I would end up exploding everything!" Deidara said, smirking as he thought he had caught me in a lie.

"Simple." I snapped my fingers, we were now in my dreamscape.

I looked at Deidara and Sasori, a look of amazement was prominent on their faces, "Woah." the blond gasped, looking around frantically.

"What is this place?" Sasori asked, turning to face me.

"We are in my dreamscape, a place where I could freely manipulate its environment as I wish. Actually, no, I can do more then just manipulate the environment, ku ku ku ku~." I smirked mischievously, chuckling into my fan.

"I have never heard of such power, are you perhaps from a newly found clan?" the redette asked out of curiosity, tiling his head like a cute puppy, awww, if he wasn't a criminal I would definitely hug him.

"I am actually from a well-known clan...well at least they were well-known years back. I'm form the (L/n) clan, have you heard of it?" Both Sasori and Deidara perked up at the mention of the clan, did they perhaps here about us? That is impressive considering we were quite the secretive clan.

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