Team 7 and Introductions

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I woke up this morning and did my usual routine. I made my way to the Shrine, wearing my baby blue Kimono. Once I paid my respects and finished my duties, I made my way towards the academy, my crown tingling. People smiled and waved at me as I smiled back. Children playing games around me made me giggle into my sleeve.

I entered the classroom and noticed some students were around, including the Uchiha. I walked up to my seat and sat down

"Hey (Y/N)" A low voice spoke. I turned my head and was surprised to see Sasuke talking to me. I nodded my head

"How come you don't have a last name?" He questioned me, his eyes narrowing. I smirked at him

"I don't think I'm obliged to answer you" I quipped. His eyebrow twitched. Naruto burst int the room and I raised an eyebrow at him. He saw me and started running in my direction. He tackled me in a hug and I yelped in shock as he lifted me in the air and spun me around

"Hey (Y/N)!!! Look!!" He pointed to his headband and I gave him a proud look. I kissed his cheek as he blushed and scratched his cheek in embarrassment. I giggled

"Congratulations, Naruto!" He laughed before his smile faded away. I looked at him concernedly

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy?" I questioned

"I am, didn't pass. So that mean's we're gonna be separated from each other" I smirked before taking out my own headband. His grin came back like wildfire.

"You passed!!!" He cheered. I laughed quietly

"How troublesome, what are you doing here Naruto? This class is only for those who graduated!" Shikamaru stated. Naruto pointed to his headband.

"Well I did pass!!! Believe it!" I chuckled into my sleeve. Shikamaru glanced at me before a subtle pink took over his cheeks.

"Hey (Y/N)..." I waved at the lazy pineapple headed boy. I sat in between Sasuke and Naruto. We both chatted quietly as Naruto held my hand. I completely ignored Sasuke but I could feel his eyes glaring at mine and Naruto's intertwined hands. I heard stomping coming towards the classroom and looked up in surprise when I see Ino and Sakura

"Naruto move!" A high pitched voice screeched.  I watched as Naruto was torn away from me before Ino and Sakura came into my view.

"What do you think you're doing sitting next to my Sasuke!?" Sakura raged

"I am doing nothing but obviously sitting in a seat. By the way, who say's Sasuke is yours? I don't recall him saying he had a girlfriend" I plainly told her, staring straight ahead. She seemed to get angry at my comment

"Who the hell do you think you are!? Some Princess!? Is that why you wear those ugly Kimono's? They're just as ugly as you! And what's with that dumb crown on your head!?" Her hand reached forward to touch my crown until I snatched her wrist.

"H-Hey! Let go of me, you freak!" I tightened my grip on her, almost to the point where her bone nearly broke. The whole class was silent as they watched. I could feel eyes watching me in the corner of the ceiling.

I slowly looked up and glared at her menacingly. She shivered in fear

"Don't ever touch me with your filthy hands" I spoke in cold tone. Everyone seemed to froze, even Sasuke seemed to shiver in fear as he stared with wide-eyes.

"(Y/N)! Please let her go! I'm sure she didn't mean it!" Naruto came closer and placed his hand on my shoulder. The air was so tense that no one could say a word. It was a feeling of danger....I jerked her hand away from me. She stumbled back before rubbing her wrist that had purple bruises on it.

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