Gaara's Ending

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Gaara's POV

It had been days since I had invited (Y/n) to stay in Sunagakure. I figured I had to spend more time with (Y/n). The closer I got to her, the better. It was about time I had asked her about her feelings towards me and if she reciprocated them. I hoped she did, because I wouldn't settle for anyone that isn't her.

"Gaara?" The doors to my office opened, revealing (Y/n).

"Yes?" I looked up from my tall stack of paperwork.

"A new restaurant opened today, do you want to try it out? We could have it for dinner," she suggested.

I gave the (h/c)ette a small smile, "Once I finish my paperwork."

"Can I help you?"

"No, it's alright. I can handle this myself," I declined; I would feel bad if (Y/n) had to worry over diplomatic matters, she deserves to rest after doing so much for us in the war.

"Stop being so stubborn. The sooner we get your paperwork done the better. We could even go to the cactus shop you talked about earlier, you said you wanted to add some cactus' to your collection," she recalled.

I gave in, I couldn't say no to (Y/n), "Okay, but don't overwork yourself."

"I won't."


Surprisingly, (Y/n) was able to sort through the papers faster than myself. The tall stack of paperwork that previously towered over me was nothing but a mere two paged stack. I reached out for the next paper, my hand gently grazed against (Y/n)'s own. I quickly retracted my hand, muttering a small apology. A deep blush coated my cheeks.

(Y/n) merely laughed, "Don't worry about it."

Quickly signing off the last document, I offered (Y/n) a hand, "Shall we go?

She gladly accepted it, "Yep."

The (h/c)ette dragged me out of the office. I stumbled at first, but easily caught up. When my eyes landed on (Y/n), I couldn't help but admire her. The way her (h/c) hair fluttered against the rising wind and the bright sparkle in her lively (e/c) eyes, she looked ethereal.

Noticing my stare, she turned around and presented me a wide smile. I mustered a small smile whilst admiring how beautiful she looked. The way the orange rays of light livened up her already sparkling features was simply amazing. I was broken out of my thoughts when I had bumped into (Y/n), I didn't realize she had stopped. What is wrong with me? I am never this clumsy.


"It's okay. Now, let's get the cactus' you've been eyeing for the past week!" I didn't realize how obvious my desires were.

Again, I was dragged to the cactus shop. Without saying a word, (Y/n) rushed in. I chuckled as I observed her. She had a look of curiosity and excitement plastered on her face as she looked at each and every cactus no matter how average looking they were.

She took a  and bounded towards me, "What do you think? I'm sure this one would look good in your collection."

"Hmm, maybe? I was hoping for something a bit more subtle. I'll think about it. For now, just put in on the counter," I didn't want to straightforwardly say no, it would make (Y/n) sad.

"Okay," she seemed a little bit dejected, but she was still slightly happy I had 'considered' getting the cactus she offered.

(Y/n) trailed behind me as I walked through the many isles. I was looking for a , preferably one that was already around 10-20 years old. Once I found what I wanted, I took it to the counter. The cashier was about to put the Pink Moon cactus away, but I shook my head. I bought it even if it costed quite a bit, I wanted to make (Y/n) happy.

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