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(Y/n) POV

The Preliminaries were finally over. According to the number that I have, I'll be facing off with Dosu, that damn mummy eyed freak. Since there was no need for me to train, I somehow found myself being dragged across Konoha by...Naruto.

"Dattebayo!! Where is that Pervy Sage!?" Naruto whipped his head all over the street, trying to find someone.

"Pervy sage?" I murmured confusedly. Before I could ask Naruto, he pulled me over to another direction. All of a sudden I heard females screaming and Naruto immediately ran like his life depended on it. Stopping in front of the women's bath/hot spring. I found a familiar looking spiky white haired male. Upon closer inspection, a bulb went off in my head.

"Jiraiya!?" I asked in shock, said male turned around and his eyes widened.

"(Y/n)!!! How long has it been!? I see you've matured quite a bit" He gave me a pervy smile, wiggling his fingers. Irritated, I smacked him on the face.

"Ow! You're hits are really starting to take a toll on me" Jiraiya complained.

"Huh!? You know this pervy sage!?" Naruto yelped. I pursed lips, nodding my head.

"How!?" To which I replied "Long story...."

Time Skip//////////

Currently we were in the forest outside of Konoha, Jiraiya was helping Naruto with his training for the finals.

"So, how you've been (Y/n)?" Jiraiya asked, as we both sat away from Naruto while he was balancing on the water.

"I've been...dealing with a lot lately. I am actually supposed to go on a mission right now, but that'll be done quickly. How is your investigation with the Akatsuki going?" I inquired.

"I heard from someone that the Akatsuki might be lurking around these parts and came to investigate. They're getting more dangerous by the day. As you probably know, they might soon target Naruto to acquire the Nine tailed fox" I hummed, my eyes darting to Naruto.

"The nine tailed fox, huh? Well Jiraiya, I'm sure you already know that Naruto is pretty stubborn when he wants to be. I wouldn't worry too much about him. After all, he's got someone looking out for him, if you know what I mean" I winked. Before Jiraiya can say anything, I stood up.

"I'll catch up to you later, I have a mission to fulfill. Tell Naruto I'll see him too." I bid farewell before heading off.

Time Skip//////

I sliced the head off the Assassinator, before cleaning my blade. Taking an empty scroll, I sealed the head away and pocketed it. Just as I was about to leave, a snap of a twig made me pause in my tracks. I sighed quietly.

"How long do you plan on hiding?" I called out. There was nothing but silence until a thump from behind me caused me to turn around.

"Itachi....." Said male narrowed his eyes at me.

"How do you know my name?" I smirked, leaning against the tree and cancelling the Genjutsu he was trying to place on me.

"I know everything about you Itachi. How you massacred you're clan and joined the Akatsuki. Tell me, does anyone else know that Danzo was the one at fault?" I hid a smirk as he took out a kunai.

"There's no need to be hostile, the Hokage told me everything after I found the hidden files. You didn't mean to kill your clan. You were forced to by Danzo" Itachi looked at me with a mixture of shock and....sadness.

"So the third told you. What do you plan on doing now that you know?" He asked, dark eyes staring directly into my soul.

"I'm gonna bring you home of course. I'm gonna lock Danzo away where he'll never hurt someone again. I know Itachi, that you're with the Akatsuki but I'll never stop until you get justice. Sasuke needs to learn the truth and whatever motive you've forced him to try and accomplish is gonna go south eventually. I won't let Sasuke kill you, I promised the Hokage I'll bring you home and that's what I'm gonna do, no matter what it takes. I won't give up on you Itachi!" He stared at me in disbelief as I slowly walked towards him.

I looked up at him, and slowly but gently placing a hand on his cheek, "I believe in you Itachi. You did nothing wrong and Sasuke needs to see that. You're his only family left, he'll be torn apart if he finds out after he killed you're innocent."

"Sasuke will never believe that. The only thing on his mind is to get revenge for our clan. Besides, I don't want you interfering. He is my brother." Itachi placed his hand over mine, the warmth I felt was so...comforting.

"Itachi..." He squeezed my hand, before jumping back away from me. Giving me one last look, he took off into the forest.

"Don't worry Lord Hokage, I know what I need to do." I murmured, eyes staring into the sky before I headed off to the Leaf Village.

A/n:I honestly love Naruto, but it has too many seasons and sequels. To write a story based on everything is a bit complicated for me and I'm also starting to get a bit disinterested as well. I don't want to but i can't help it. I hate leaving stories unfinished, but this anime is a bit prolonging. I might make a better storyline instead of cheesy stuff since I obviously want it to be interesting. But thanks for the support you guys have been giving me on THIS story. It means so much that I have readers out there that want to me continue this but so far, I am not sure


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