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(Y/n)'s POV

My face was twisted in distraught and slight rage as I heard the news, Shikamaru's sensei had been killed by the Akatsuki in an attempt to capture them. I sighed, trying to relieve my mind so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. What should I do...?

I knew for a fact that the Akatsuki were planning something big, life changing even. They had to have a reason to why they were suddenly active, just what were they planning? A thought came across my mind, would they help us against their former leader? What would happen if they end up disobeying me? I sighed again, I really do love sighing, it was worth a shot.

(Y/n), are you forgetting something?

No, I don't think I did? Is anything of the matter, Shadow?

I think it would be better that you comfort your new friend before you revive the very people from the group that killed his sensei. He is bound to be upset. I wouldn't want husband no. 4 to feel down.

You're right, I should go comfort him even though I am not the best at it. Also, when are they going to hold the festival? We still have some father-daughter bonding time to do.

It's next week (Y/n), don't forget.

I won't but I wouldn't promise you that we would't miss it. The Akatsuki are up to something very suspicious and I want to get to the bottom of it before they attack Konoha. They might interfere with the festival next week, Shadow. Don't get your hopes up.

You don't have to be serious all the time (Y/n), you need to learn how to loosen up and relax, something you always do when your future husbands are around. Perhaps you should spend more time with them?

How much times do I have to tell you, they aren't my future husbands and neither they be my future husbands. I'm only going to comfort Shikamaru because you told me so, nothing more.

Whatever you say, (Y/n), the dragon snickered, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Talking to you makes my brain rot, I wonder how I lived with you and how I didn't turn up dumb. That was the last thing I told the pesky reptilian before I went on my way to comfort my new friend. I thoroughly searched through the village, I couldn't find him. I thought back to the small clearing where I met him, he might be there.

I spotted an upset looking ravenette on the ground, looking up at the skies angrily as if he were damning the gods. Just like the first time I had met him, I approached Shikamaru. I prodded his cheek to gain the ravenette's attention. Shikamaru looked up, the scowl on his face easing as he saw that it was me.

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry to hear for your loss, because honestly, I'm not sorry," what I had said immediately caught Shikamaru's attention, his eyes were now glaring daggers at my form, "there's nothing to be sorry about, you say sorry when you made a mistake. No one else made a mistake other than your sensei. He knew the risks of trying to kill them and he took it knowing full well that he could die. It's not your fault that you couldn't do anything to save him and trust me...I know exactly how you feel."

Shikamaru's glare eased, "Don't word it like that in the beginning, it got me wondering which side you're actually on."

"Nothing in life is fun without a little bit of spice and excitement, but I didn't come here to talk about that. I came here to know how you're feeling." I looked into the ravenette's dark eyes, they held pain in them, I felt my heart squeeze, I never wanted to see a comrade of mine like this.

"Do you want the truth or the lie?" Shikamaru asked, his face morphed into a serious look, he was't joking around anymore.

"I want the truth, nothing else but the truth." I chided, hopefully he would tell me what he feels as truthfully as he can, I know that whenever people are feeling down or frustrated, they tend to hide it.

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