What a Testicle!

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Draco arrived at the Zabini residence bright and early the following morning with his mother as planned. He felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He had broken up with Astoria the night before. It wasn't pretty and there was a lot of screaming on her part. He did feel bad as she stormed out of the room, but before he left Daphne had approached him and told him that he had done the right thing and that she only wanted him for his money. 

As far as he was concerned, he had dodged a very big bullet. 

They entered through the fireplace, having Floo'd to the Manor. But there was no one waiting for them. Draco checked the parlour and the dining room but the house was in silence. 

"Maybe they are still in bed?" Draco offered by way of explanation. 

"It's not like Adelia to sleep in. Oh, I hope they are not sick." Narcissa gasped. 

Something felt a little off to Draco, and suddenly he was very concerned for his mother's safety. His mother and a certain girl who he had almost kissed the day before. He took his wand out of his pocket and took his mother's hand as they climbed the stairs. 

They checked Adelia's bedroom, Blaise's and Harry's, but they looked like they had not been slept in. Only one room was left, and Hermione's and Draco was nervous. He had never been in her room and didn't want to embarrass her but overstepping his boundaries. But he had to make sure she was ok. 

He slowly opened the door and listened as no noise was made. Maybe this room was empty too. His mother and he stepped into the room. He didn't know what to expect, but he never thought he would see his best friend, lying in bed fast asleep curled up with his sister, new brother and mother. All huddled together and sleeping soundly. 

"Oh my stars, how adorable!" Narcissa whispered. 

The last thing Draco wanted to do was to disturb them, but he knew this was too good a sight, not to photograph. Hermione would love it! So he carefully tiptoed over to her vanity table and picked up her camera before snapping a couple of shots.

When they printed out he took one out of the bundle. One of Hermione up close and pocketed it to take it home with him for an album that he had started, just like Hermione did. 

"Maybe we should come back later," his mother said as they headed back to the door.

"No need," Adelia whispered as she opened her eyes. As she did, Harry and the others woke up as well. 

"Oh, I do apologise. We did not mean to wake you," Narcissa said sorrowfully. 

"We arrived and were worried when we could not find any of you," Draco explained. "We did not mean to intrude."

"You didn't intrude, mate," Harry smiled as he stood up. "We had a bit of an emotional night and huddled together. We didn't mean to oversleep."

"Apologies, we were not downstairs to greet you," Adelia said as she too stood up, grabbing her daughter and pulling her up to her feet, wrapping an arm around her. 

"No need to apologise. It was such a sweet sight to behold." Narcissa beamed. 'But is everything alright?"

"Em...well..." Harry started, but Hermione interrupted him. 

"I went to The Burrow to see my boyfriend last night, but instead I found him in bed with another girl," she frowned, looking into Draco's eyes before looking down to the floor. 

"He said some bloody awful things to her -" 

"To us both, Harry," Hermione corrected. He was just as hurt as her by Ron's words. 

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