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"Open your eyes' sweetheart, you are safe."

The words washed over her, enveloping her in warmth, and she immediately felt safe. The room was silent.

"That's it, open your eyes."

She did as she was told, opening her eyes. She wasn't in a room she recognised. Not at first anyway. She sat up slowly, waiting for the pain to hit her, but she felt fine. Not a scratch on her.

The more she looked around, the more familiar she became with the room. It was her library at home. Only it was bathed in a golden light. Nothing like she had ever seen before. In the centre of the room, down the aisle and into the circular middle, she saw a man.

At first, she thought it was Albus Dumbledore, but every part of her larger than average brain was screaming at her, telling her it was impossible. After all, why on earth would she be seeing Albus Dumbledore... unless...

"Don't worry, my child. You have nothing to fear. Come forward." The man smiled.

She couldn't explain why, but she wanted to step closer, she wanted to reach the centre of the room. As if everything was pushing her towards this man. She was now at the edge of the aisle. And the man was definitely not Dumbledore. And yet, he looked familiar.

She had seen his smiling face before. She knew she had seen it. Many, many times before. But where... she had no idea.

"I bet around about now you are probably wondering what is going on?" This was another man's voice, but it wasn't unfamiliar to Hermione.

"Professor Lupin?" Hermione gasped.

Remus was leaning against the bookcase. "Hello Hermione. It's wonderful to see you again."

Hermione beamed, but she was sceptical.

"It's alright, Hermione. It's me. And -"

"Wotcher 'Mione!" Tonks bright hair could be seen between the shelves on the aisles. She was beaming as she rounded the corner and placed her hands on her husband's. "It's been a minute."

"It's lovely and very scary to be seeing you both," Hermione admitted, and she hugged them both.

"Don't worry," Remus smiled. "We are only here to speak with you."

Hermione was sceptical. "So you aren't here to take me to some place else?"

"Is there some place else you would like to go?" Remus smiled.

"Back. I want to go back. To my mother, to Draco. What about my fath-"

"You don't have to worry about that anymore," the elderly man said.

"Why?" Hermione was a little scared now.

"Your father is currently on his way to a holding cell in Azkaban." Tonks answered.

"Where he will stay for the rest of his days." Remus added.

"He will? What about my mother? And Blaise? Harry? And -"

Remus laughed. "You always have been an inquisitive student. Smartest of her age." He said, looking over Hermione and at the man behind her who she turned to see was standing right in front of her.

He had a beard like Dumbledore's but, if possible, softer eyes. He didn't wear glasses, and his cheeks were a rosy pink. He actually reminded Hermione of a version of Santa Claus she had seen in a film with her adoptive parents growing up. Santa if he was on a strict diet.

"Oh, I have seen her in action," the man smiled. "She is a joy to observe."

'He observes me?'

"She lives up to the Nightingale name then?" Tonks asked.

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