What Did She Say?

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"I thought the party was for our classmates and a few friends?" Hermione asked, looking at the crowd that was gathering and heading up the driveway. It was definitely more there than her year. It looked like her mother and Narcissa may have invited half the ministry, too. 

"I would say your mother went a little overboard with the invites," Pansy shrugged. "Now come back here as I finish your makeup. We need to get downstairs before everyone arrives."

Hermione moved back to the vanity. Pansy had insisted that the girls head up to Hermione's room for touch-ups before the party. Hermione wasn't sure why. Her makeup had not moved a mm all day, but she didn't dare argue with Pansy. She seemed....on edge. 

When Hermione was deemed 'perfect,' Ginny and Pansy took an arm each and practically sprinted downstairs with Hermione being dragged behind them.

The ballroom was set up beautifully. Glitter and fairy lights seemed to hover in the air, and the tables had white covers with large gold candelabras in the centre. The bartender was already mixing cocktails and had the drinks ready to flow. Waiters were standing in the doorway with trays of champagne for the guests. 

It was perfect. 

Narcissa and Adelia were at the bottom of the stairs, looking completely flawless in evening gowns. Adelia's hair was curled and pinned to one side, and Narcissa's in an elegant up do. What surprised Hermione was that both women were on the arm of men. 

Narcissa was standing with a brown haired man who was muscly and charming. He looked like a celebrity to Hermione, but she couldn't think who. Draco was standing with him, looking him up and down. Unsure about him. 

"Hermione, I would like you to meet an old acquaintance of mine from school. This is Colin Firth -"

"The actor?" Hermione gasped suddenly, realising who he was."

"Muggleborn, of course," He laughed, and she nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hermione." He said, kissing her hand. 

"I love your movies, sir," Hermione said a little speechless. "I had no idea you were -"

"A wizard? Yes, I know, I play the muggle quite well, don't I?" He chuckled. "I met Narcissa in Gringotts a few weeks ago. Charming as ever. I was so surprised to hear that we both lost our spouses in the war. Who thought happiness could come from tragedy?" He looked at Narcissa like he was a school boy, and Hermione blushed. 

The man on her own mother's arm – Mr Parkinson. She walked up to her mother, blushing. "How long has this -" she stared, and Mr Parkinson laughed. 

"Back in school," he answered honestly. "But then we were both betrothed to others. We have been spending time together since Christmas."

"Well, I am delighted for you both." Hermione beamed and hugged them both. "And you make a wonderful couple."

"Hermione?" She turned to see Draco standing behind her. 

"Love, you look so handsome." She kissed him. 

He looked a little...nervous. "I wondered if we could take a quick walk. Before the guests make it into the house," he nervously chuckled. 

"Sure, Draco. That sounds nice." Hermione smiled as he offered her his arm and guided her through the ballroom and out the glass doors to the patio and down into the grounds. 

"Shall we go to our secret garden?" He asked as she nodded, and the noise of the hall seemed to disappear behind them as they walked through the grounds. 

There was a minute or two of silence before Draco spoke. "Are you happy, Hermione?" He asked. 

It was an odd question in Hermione's opinion, but she wasn't going to tell him that. "Of course, Draco. I have my family. I have graduated. I finally know exactly what I want to do with my life, and most importantly, I have you. I don't believe I could be any happier."

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