Back To The Chamber

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Kingsley was worried. He didn't like this idea at all. Every instinct in his body was telling him that he should call in the Aurors to handle this. He knew he should. But they wouldn't see Ron as a victim. They would see him as the bad guy. And in all their training, they were always told to shoot first and ask questions later. 

 No, if he got the Aurors involved, like he thought before, Ron would not come out of the situation well. He wouldn't come out of it at all. 

So what choice did he have? 

He was sitting in a common room in Hogwarts with children who have had to face far too bloody much already in their young lives, as they talked about a plan to enter a secret chamber held far below the school, where the bones of a god damn Basilisk lay. A Basilisk that one of the students had slain when he was only 12 years old. 

"Minister, you can't actually be serious about letting these boys go down there?" Professor McGonagall snapped. 

Kingsley stood up. "Minerva, considering what these children have done these past fews years, I don't think, heading down into a cave underground is all that harmful. We have already established that Abaddon has not yet been reborn and so long as Ginny and Bill keep Ron occupied in the grounds, then we should be fine."

"We?" McGonagall asked. 

"Yes. We. I will be going with Draco." Kingsley said.

"Me too. You are going to need me to get in anyway," Harry shrugged. "Parsletongue, remember?"

Draco smirked at Harry. "You underestimate by capabilities, Mr Potter," Draco said causing everyone to gasp. 

"What?" Harry said looking around. It took him a few seconds to catch on to what happened. "No! You can -"

Draco nodded. "Speak Parseltongue? Yeah I can—descendant of Salazar Slytherin, remember."

"Blimey I didn't know that mate," Blaise said in a slightly high-pitched, freaked out voice.

"That's because my parents forbid me from telling anyone or mentioning it. So I didn't. My father said that it would only lead to trouble." He shrugged. Hermione looked over at her boyfriend. How in the hell did she not know this about him? Why didn't he think he could tell her? What else did she not know?

Harry shrugged. "Well, I am still going."

"Me too." Hermione nodded. 

Draco looked like he wanted to argue but at the same time he didn't want to argue with her. Blaise was happy to though.

"You are not." He snapped. 

"I bloody well am," Hermione snapped back just as hard. She took out her finger pointing it at Blaise. It was the finger that terrified Draco and Harry. "And you are not going to stop me. I am not letting my boyfriend, the love of my life and my brother and oldest friend, and the best Minister For Magic that the wizarding community had probably ever had, go off on an adventure and not take me with them." She shook her head. "They need me. And I need to be with them. It's only going to the Chamber. I will be bloody fine. And if you try to stop me so help me Godric, I will hex your ass so hard you won't be fit to sit for a month."

Blaise immediately put his hands up in surrender. "Ok, ok, just don't shout at me any more. I hate it when you shout at me."

"Well alright then. So it's myself, Kingsley, Draco and Harry. We -"

"And me. You don't get to have all the fun," Blaise smirked. 

"Ok, so now that's settled, Ginny and I will go and take Ron out to the Quidditch fields. You may give us time to convince him and get us out of the castle."

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