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"I don't think you should go," Draco said for what was probably the tenth time in the last few minutes. 

Again, Blaise completely ignored him. 

They were standing in the foyer of the Ministry. Everyone floo'd here at Kingsley's request. Now that Ron had kidnapped Hermione, they had to get the Aurors involved. He had also called Mr & Mrs Weasley, who arrived tear stained and horrified at their son's actions. 

"I want to make it clear," Kingsley said, turning to his men. "That we are not to shoot first. Hermione is there, and she may be hurt in the crossfire. We need to be careful and -" 

"Remember that Ron Weasley is being heavily influenced by dark magic and is acting against his own will. He is a victim here as well. And Astoria Greengrass - well she's a bit of a bitch but I don't think she would actually hurt anyone." Draco said. 

"Too much like hard work for her that would be," Blaise rolled his eyes. 

"Who?" Harry said stepping through the fireplace to join everyone.

"Why aren't you with Pansy?" Draco asked. 

"Because she has Adelia and Narcissa with her and her own father. I need to go help Hermione." Harry shrugged as Draco clapped him on the back. 

"Right, there is plan as such. I have had Elis check and the connection to Zabini Manor is still open and working fine so according to Blaise we can take the back fireplace. Apparently it comes out..." he looked to Blaise. 

"In the kitchen. They probably don't even know there is a fireplace there if they have never been there before." Blaise said. 

"So we go in and grab Hermione. Then we subdue Astoria and Ron and get everyone out of there." Elis, an Auror, grunted.

"Ok," everyone rung out. 

"Remember, wands at the ready and everyone be on the lookout. We don't know what we will be facing." Bill said.

"It's Ron," George said rolling his eyes. "I mean, come on, he isn't that bright."

Everyone sniggered but Draco looked worried. "Hang on," he said as everyone stood next to the fireplace. "George is right."

"Not too often that happens. What about?" Ginny teased.

"Ron...he isn't smart enough to think of this. How would be know to use the Zabini Manor? He won't even admit that Hermione is a Zabini. So why use it? How does he know about it?" Draco said looking around everyone. 

Bill looked to his father. "He is right. Ron wouldn't know where it is."

"Astoria would," Luna offered.

"No she wouldn't," Blaise shrugged. "A Zabini has to invite you or you can't come in. Stupid rule my Grandfather put in place."

"So it's not Ron...or Astoria," Ginny said. "Then who?"

"It would have to be someone who knew about my home. Knew about the wards and had a personal connection with Hermione. Someone who would want her alive and unharmed." Blaise rhymed off. "Someone like -"

"Your father?" Adelia said stepping through the fireplace in front of everyone. 

"Excuse me?" Blaise laughed. 

"Your father."

"But he is -"

"He isn't." Adelia said, turning to Kingsley. "Sorry, Minister, but I had a hunch, so I told Azkaban that you sent me to personally check on Abraham. On your orders. They took me to his cell. I have no clue who that is in there, but it is not my husband. This man looked happy to see me. He had brown eyes, not blue, and he didn't have the Death Eater mark on his arm."

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