Here We Go Again part II

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"You mean right now?" Hermione asked shocked. It was hardly the place to have this conversation. 

"Just give me a few basics, please."

Hermione thought. She had no idea what to say really. "You know I have not had much experience with this. I have been with Vicktor and Ron and neither were a normal relationship. But one thing I did learn from my parents was that it does not have to be forced. My adoptive father was a mad football supporter, a muggle sport," she added when Pansy looked confused.

 "He played for his local team. My mother never missed a match. She was always there to support him. And my dad knew my mother was obsessed with a band 'ELO' they were called and he always bought her their albums and took her to their concerts. They may not have always liked the same things but they tolerated them because it made the other happy."

"That is so sweet. My father would buy my mother flowers and she would laugh saying she would rather of had the money."

"Listen to Harry when he talks and ask questions. Most of his childhood he grew up alone, thinking his only family hated him. He was quiet because he thought no one cared what he had to say. He hated all this 'The Chosen One' crap! He wants to be just Harry. Ask him about his family. Hs parents. About the future. Don't focus too much on the past."

Pansy was nodding along as if trying to memorise it all. 

"But Pansy remember, above all, Harry likes you too. He will be trying to impress you just as much as you are trying to impress him. Don't put too much pressure on yourself he likes you for you so don't change."

"Wow you are good at this!" Pansy smiled.

"Good at what?"

"Girl chat! I hope to return the favour soon with a certain blonde fox?" Pansy noticed the blush on Hermione straight away and wanted to giggle. 

"What about him?"

"Well everyone knows you kissed and that he is head over heels for you! And from that blush I would say the feeling is mutual."

"Is it that obvious?" Hermione groaned.

"Not really. Draco Malfoy does not chase women. I don't think he has ever had to. So this is a big deal that he is actively pursuing you. This is new territory for you both. It's would be very cute if it wasn't hilarious!"

Hermione made a scowling face. "Come on, let's get some snacks and head back before they come looking for us."

The two girls were making their way back up the train, Hermione being the genius that she was had made sure they had heaps of snacks and drinks levitate behind them before heading into the compartment rather than having to carry anything. They chatted happily as they went, completely lost in their own little bubble. 

So much so that Hermione never even noticed at first when a hand sneaked around her waist and pulled her into an empty carriage about four down from the others. As she flew in the door was slid closed and a clicking sound told her that a lock as put on the door as they blinds lowered themselves, throwing her into darkness.

At first she was smiling. "Well this is -" she began but stopped short. She had thought this was a rouse by Draco to spend some time alone with her, but she could not detect his scent in the compartment and that was definitely not his breathing. This was raspy and dry. She could smell the strong stench of muggle alcohol along with cheap cologne. 

This wasn't Draco...this was Ron.

Here we go again.

"I am pretty sure I told you that I needed time," she snapped, her good mood instantly dissolving and anger taking it's place. 

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