Bringing Back Memories

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It was Draco who woke up first, as banging came from the bedroom door. He gave a jolt as he heard it.

"Come on, you two. It's lunchtime. You need to eat something." Harry called into the room. 

There was banging again as Pansy's voice could be heard. "What my boyfriend is trying to say is, Draco climb off her and get the fuck out here!"

Draco could hear chuckling as he heard their footsteps head back into the comon room. He turned to see Hermione still soundly asleep. He kissed her on the nose before gently whispering in her ear. "Hermione, love? It's time to get up darling."

She gave a groan and pulled him back down. "No. I don't want to. Let's sleep longer."

He chuckled. "You know I would love nothing more but Harry is right, aren't you hungry?" Her stomach netrayed her at that moment and gave a very loud growl. "That answers that question," he chuckled again. "Come on, up you get." 

She slowly climbed out of bed and pulled a oversized jumper out of her wardrobe and threw it on. Draco pulled his hoodie back on and took her hand, guiding her out of the room and into their small common room where their friends were waiting. 

As Hermione gave a stretch, the portrait door opened and Theo and Blaise stepped in levitating plates and carrying trays. 

"We thought everyone would be tired so we brought lunch to us instead of having to head down to the hall," Blaise shrugged. 

"It was Blaise's idea. He said Hermione would be exhausted." Theo said offering plates to everyone. 

"He wasn't wrong," Hermione yawned as she sat on the sofa curling up as Draco sat next to her and threw a blanket around her to keep her warm. "Thank you Blaise," Hermione said as Blaise handed her and Draco plates. 

There was very little talk out of everyone as they ate either too hungry or too tired to say anything. It was a simple lunch of chicken, chips, salad and bread rolls but Hermione was so hungry that everything tasted amazing. 

When everyone had finished and Draco tranfigured the plates to the kitchen they sat back chatting happily as they waited for 3pm to roll around. Hermione snoozed again in Draco's arms. 

Ginny came to sit next to them. "I don't think I will ever be able to thank you for what you are doing for my family," she blushed. "I know that Ron has behaved like the biggest prat ever. He has hurt Hermione more times than I can count. He doesn't deserve her or her kindness. I know this but he is still my brother and after losing Fred, I just want to do everything I can to help him." She gave a sniff. 

Draco patted her arm. "Gin, you are dating one of my best friends. You are the closest thing Hermione has to a sister. You are her family. She loves you, you are a very important person in her life which means you are a very important person in my life. I would do anything to help you. Granted We-Ron and I have not had the best of friendships...or any sort of a friendship really but we are doing this becasue it's the right thing to you."

She sniffed even louder. "I am so glad that Hermione has you. She deserves to be happy and it is pretty obvious that you make her happy. You are a good person Draco. It's clear to see how much you love her."

Draco kissed Hermione's forehead. "I do. It's a very strange feeling. I knew I liked her from maybe third year. She was so smart and loving. And I knew that the best thing I could do for her was to stay away from her. I had convinced myself that I had built her up to be better than she was and if I actually got to know her I would realise that. The truth was I didn't do her enough justice. She is incredible. I am a very lucky guy."

"I think you are good for her." Luna said joining the conversation. "She needed someone like you in her life."

"And you needed someone like her," Theo awknowledged. 

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