Marauders Map

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Hermione waited until that evening to send a message to Harry, Pansy, Blaise and Theo asking them to come to their dorm.

She had made Draco tell her everything he knew. Every little detail. She was horrified to learn just how violent Ron could be. She knew he had a temper, she had seen it. But this. This was something else entirely. 

And yet she knew it was the truth. 

She had dragged Draco to the hospital wing. Well her and Professor McGonagall both did. Madame Pomfrey had been disgusted at what Draco had been through. They didn't say who caused it, but even the matron noted that whoever was responsible was a monster. She wasn't able to heal it though. She was able to help by giving Draco a cream to put on it every few hours and she promised to contact St. Mungo's and speak to their staff doctor. A muggle man who practised medicine and worked in the magical healing clinic. 

After that, Professor McGonagall told Hermione to take Draco back to their dorm as she went to speak to several Slytherins, about their run ins with Hermione's ex-boyfriend. The Ministry official would be there on Monday Morning to speak with them. 

"When does everyone get here?" Draco asked as he lay on the sofa with Hermione sat on the floor in front of him, beside the fire.

"In about 5 minutes. Dinner should be well over now." Hermione said not lifting her head from her book. She was reading about cursed instruments to try and find a way around Draco's wound. She wanted to kick herself for not noticing it sooner. 

"You don't have to do that," Draco said leaning forward off the sofa so they were eye level. 

"But I want to. I want to help you. I want you fix this." She gestured to his wrist. 

"I will live. I have had this for over a year I know how to keep it at bay. And I use a concealment charm. That is how you never noticed it before."

"How did you -"

"I know you well enough by now to know that it's exactly what you were thinking." She blushed at this. He knew her too well. He used his finger to lift her chin up and turned her so she was facing him and he kissed her forehead. Then her nose. Her breath hitched in her throat and she tilted her head up more as he moved down and leaned in to kiss her properly. 

Knock, knock. "Oi! Anyone home?" Blaise called out.

"Balls!" Hermione cursed thinking it was to herself. 

"My sentiments exactly," Draco chuckled. 

"Open up, you two. You better be decent!" Blaise called out again and Draco jumped to his feet and ran down to answer the door. 

The first up the stairs was Blaise, followed by the rest. He flopped down and leaned in to kiss Hermione's head, exactly where Draco's kiss was placed a minute ago. Blaise's didn't quite obtain the same reaction in her that Draco's did. 


Luna was the last up the step. "I met miss Lovegood on the stairs and invited her to our little gathering." Blaise said as she sat on the chair and Theo perched on it's arm. Blaise scowled which was probably why Theo did it.

"So where we interrupting something?" Pansy asked excitedly.

Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Oh yeah," Draco began. "We were -"

Hermione, feeling devious, cut in "having sex exactly where Blaise is now sitting. If you feel a wet patch brother -"

Blaise squealed and leapt from the sofa and onto the floor beside her as everyone else, who caught on to the joke by the look of shock on Draco's face, were now in hysterics. 

Secret Smile.    *Complete* Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin