Weasley Wizarding Wheezes

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The next few days, in the lead up to Christmas Eve was jam packed. Pansy had spent a day dragging Hermione around shopping, getting their nails done, hair done, buying makeup and what Pansy said was essential, was the lingerie store, which was scarier than anything Hermione had ever faced before.

After they finished they decided to take a walk through Diagon Alley. One, so Pansy could buy a last few bits to make up the perfect Christmas gift for Harry and two, so Hermione could stop in with George at his joke shop to see how he was doing. 

As always, it was the busiest store in the street. Kids were lining very aisle checking out the twins trick jokes and love potions as well as their Umbridge imitating figurines and colour changing toffees. George looked to be in good spirits as he walked around chatting happily with customers, as Fred's portrait called out jokes and gift ideas from its frame next to the till. When he looked up he began to wave frantically at Hermione to get her attention before focusing back on his little audience. George then spotted the two ladies and motioned for them to head to his office. 

Hermione and Pansy made their way through the crowd and into the office as George called to his assistant that he was taking a break. He closed the door and turned to the two girls. "Ladies, it is lovely to see you both. I was wondering if you would be visiting me over the holidays. Hermione we got your presents at the house yesterday. Thanks so much. You really shouldn't have."

"Nonsense you are like family to me, of course I was going to get you all something." She smiled at the red head. 

"Mum is very excited about the ball. She has had us all at the tailors to get suited and booted and her and Ginny have been dress shopping with Luna every day this week. I even convinced them to take Angelina with them. I wanted to get her something to wear. My date has to look as good as me!"

"You and Angelina Johnston? I can see that. You would make a lovely couple." Pansy smiled. 

George mock bowed. "Thank you future Mrs Potter," he smirked making her blush. "So I suppose I should give you an update on Ron while you are here. Ginny, Theo and Luna filled me in on the whole Abaddon issue. Just so I could keep my eye on him. Mum has him helping out in the shop during the day - to keep him busy. She thinks his attitude is due to the fact that he is lonely. We filled her in on the fall out with Harry and yourself Hermione." 

Hermione and Pansy both sat down on the bench in the office. "She really chewed him out about it. Said he owes you both a huge apology. Anyway as to what he has been up to while he has been home? It's actually kind of boring. I mean we filled Bill, Charlie and Percy in on what is going on at school. To see if they had any ideas on how to help. Charlie is on leave from Romania for a while, he has brought home his girlfriend. Lovely girl—just as wild as he is. Skye something her name is."

Hermione smiled at the thought of Mrs Weasley faffing around the house after a pregnant Fleur and Skye making sure they were feeling right at home. 

"So Ron has been here helping me. I mean he is still a grumpy git. I have him in the stockroom, doing inventory. Charlie is with him today helping out. If anyone can get anything out of Ron, it's Charlie. But he is just keeping to himself. Sleeping loads and moaning in his sleep a lot, Percy said."

"So he hasn't been...angry?" Hermione asked trying to sound nice. 

Pansy was having none of it. "She means he hasn't been cursing everyone out, calling Ginny a traitorous bitch and trying to sexually assault anyone? He threatened to have a go with both me and Luna when Hermione refused his advances."

"He what?" George snapped. "The jacked up little -"

"It wasn't him. I think it was more to do with Abaddon and the influence he has over Ronald. I think we need to cut -"

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