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The rest of the interviews were a breeze. Everyone was very courteous and had nothing but lovely things to say about the family. Harry and Hermione were thanked, once again for their part in the war and like always, they were embarrassed by the attention which made two reporters smiles and comment on their humble nature. They had nothing but nice things to say about the teen's relationships. Draco and Hermione had been noted as being Romeo and Juliet with a much happier ending. 

After the questions and pictures were finished and everyone was happy, the reporters headed into the hall to capture the grand entrances. 

In the hallway Pansy did another check on makeup, hair and teeth for lipstick as Narcissa and Adelia giggled with excitement. This was the part they were most looking forward too. Adelia was excited to show everyone her family and Narcissa was excited to show off her son and his wonderful girlfriend. And hopefully drive the message home that her son was off the market as she was getting fed up with families writing and orbing, hoping to marry their daughter into the Malfoy's.

Hermione was getting nervous again. Draco could feel it as she shivered next to her. "Mione?" he asked grabbing her attention. She turned to him looking alarmed. 

"Sorry did you say something?" She looked petrified. 

"Love, you will be fine. I will be with you every step of the way. I will not leave your side all night if it would make you feel better?" He smirked. 

"Promise?" Hermione asked smiling at him. This was the smile she always gave him, one that everyone said was reserved only for him. He loved it!

"I promise to be there for you, always and forever." He smiled back at her. 

Hermione was dazzled for a few minutes. That smile made her go weak at the knees. "Good. Then I never have to let you go," she smiled again at him and leaned in to kiss his cheek. He knew it was coming though and turned his face around, so she caught his lips instead. 

Not that she minded at all. 

"Alright you two, knock it off," Theo smirked at the couple. "This is a family event...save that sort of thing for when the senior citizen's leave for bed."

"You did not just call me a senior citizen Theodore, did you?" Adelia said slyly.

His face fell. "No...no not at all Mrs Zabini. I mean....what I meant was..." He stumbled over his words as Adelia face broke, and she burst out laughing. 

"Aw Ginny, you were right. He is so much fun to mess with," Adelia chuckled. 

Theo blushed and looked at his girlfriend who just shrugged and grinned. 

"Alright everyone," a lady called. She was quite young. Early twenties at most. She carried a clipboard and had what looked like a headset on. She must be the organiser that Adelia has been talking so much to this week. Shirley. "It's time for your entrances. Adelia and Narcissa you will go first. The Minister will be introducing you all. Then we shall have, Theodore and Ginny?" She looked to the couple. "That's you two?" she asked smiling.

Ginny nodded. "Perfect, you look gorgeous dear. You two stand behind the ladies. Then Harry," she smiled at him not needing to confirm who he was. "You and your beautiful girlfriend stand next please. Men on the left, girls on the right."

Harry took Pansy's arm, and they stood behind Ginny and Theo. "Then we have Blaise and his charming lady, Luna." She smiled and winked as Luna and Blaise took their position. "And then we have Hermione, darling and Draco."

"Oh you two make a beautiful couple!" She smiled at the couple as Draco took Hermione's arm and led her to the back of the queue. Shirley, like Pansy did spot checks on everyone, fixing hair and topping up gloss. 

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