Pre Graduation Gift

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Draco got back to the castle in record time. He and Pansy laughed the whole way as he told her about what the waitress tried to do to him. 

Hermione was sitting on the steps to the castle as they ran up the path. She was smiling as she watched them laughing like children. She loved seeing Draco so carefree and just...having fun. No stress, no Dark Lord breathing down his neck and no more having to try to live up to unrealistic and dangerous expectations.

She loved seeing all her friends look so carefree. Even Pansy, who she never had many dealings with before this year, Hermione could see the strain that the war was taking on her. She was always on edge during their 6th year. She would freak out over the smallest sounds, and (although she had never mentioned it) Hermione was pretty sure that she wanted nothing to do with Voldemort. She was just as afraid of him as the rest of them. 

But now she was like a breath of fresh air. She always wore a smile and was polite and friendly to everyone she came into contact with. The whole school used to call her pug face - not because she was not pretty, actually she was beautiful. The nickname came because she always used to scrunch up her nose in disgust at just about everyone. But she had a breathtaking smile. 

Theo, too, used to be a shy guy. Not as loud or as obnoxious as Draco and Blaise, but that didn't mean that he wasn't as nasty when you actually spoke to him. He would laugh and sneer at Draco's taunts, and Hermione used to think that he was an idiot. Another Crabbe or Goyle who was just a shadow, no personality of his own, just followed Draco everywhere. 

But Theo was a fiercely loyal and funny guy. He would do just about anything to bring a smile to your face. And he was a gentleman like no other. He adored Ginny and has developed a real fascination for muggle objects and lifestyles. He was very clever and always on hand to be a shoulder to cry on or an arm to support you. 

And then there was Blaise. Hermione used to think he was silent but deadly. He never really spoke but could dish out dirty looks like candy! She was always a little bit afraid of him. More so than anyone else. And look how wrong she was. He is charming, funny, and the best brother she could ask for. He would do anything for his family and friends, and the way he adored Luna was just like a fairytale. They were very similar, actually in personality, liking the same foods, colours, music, and books, and Hermione loved spending time with him to find out more about him. It was like they had always been together.

"Babe, oh, you missed the best prank!" Draco shouted. 

"On who?" She smiled.

"Some waitress at the Three Broomsticks."

"Hermione, your boyfriend is amazing....wait to you hear this!" Pansy laughed as Draco explained what had happened, obviously leaving out the part about meeting her mother and his own. If anyone asks, he was having a quiet drink with Blaise. 

"Aw, that poor girl," Hermione chuckled as Draco lifted her off the steps and spun her around as she laughed. "You do have a way of dazzling people, Draco."

"Yes, but the only one I am falling for is you, Hermione. Plus, she was very rude to Rosertas father. What she did was very wrong and very illegal."

"Well, that is true." Hermione shrugged. 

"It will teach her to go after someone else's man. I mean, she was wrong, I am not the one Draco is in love with -"

"Thank Merlin!" He rolled his eyes as Pansy smacked him on the back of the head.

"But she did not know that. She was willing to break up a relationship just to get her leg over."

"Gross Pans," Draco scrunched up his face like a child would at seeing peas.

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