Epilogue - 5 Years Later

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They may have had a very busy and emotional final year at Hogwarts, but for the young group, it should have been a warning of things to come. Life truly was an adventure, and it was just getting started. 

After graduating and proposing, he and Hermione had worked hard to get the Apothecary and bookshop open. And it worked. By July 11th, they were open and flying. Both shops were a huge success. Adelia and Narcissa both helped out, and Poppy and Elmer made fresh tray bakes and sandwiches for them, earning themselves a wage, something Hermione insisted on.

Draco also went into business with Harry, Theo and Blaise, manufacturing muggle stationary and electronic gadgets for the modern witch and wizard, and with Harry and Hermione's help it too was a huge success. But that was just a passion project for Draco. He really loved going to work every day with Hermione, working on potions and helping customers choose books.

On 31st December 2000, with their family and friends by their side, Hermione and Draco took that walk down the aisle that most couples do. They exchanged vows and declared their love to all present. Draco surprised Hermione with a Manor of their own, right beside their mother's property, and Hermione surprised Draco with a little stick with two ++ signs, telling him that another grand adventure was about to begin.

And what an adventure they had. Little Wyatt was born the following August. Draco, who had been nervous about being a father and wondering if he would be good enough, fell in love with him instantly and became exactly what Hermione knew he would – the most hands on and devoted father there ever was.

They then witnessed Harry and Pansy get engaged and have a surprise at the Nightingale Manor. Everyone thought they were there to celebrate the couple's engagement only to be blown away by Harry announcing that they were in fact getting married. Arthur Weasley officiated the wedding and it was amazing. Almost a year later, little Aubree Lily Potter was born and less than a minute later her twin brother arrived, Phoenix James Potter.

On the Anniversary of Hermione and Draco's third wedding, Hermione surprised him again with another little stick. Unfortunately tragedy struck one evening when she was alone at the shop, closing up with Draco having went home earlier that day with Wyatt who had a fever. She was waiting for Blaise and decided to move a few of the lighter boxes from the store room. She hadn't even noticed the shelf falling. But when she woke up in hospital the following day she was devastated to hear that she had lost her little boy.

It took a lot of healing for both her and Draco but they got through it together. Having Wyatt to keep them busy helped and then celebrating their friends and family's own milestones kept them smiling. They had decided to take a little break from trying as they didn't think they were ready. But someone up there thought they were as they found out a not even a year later that they were pregnant and Adelissa Paunny was born at 37 weeks weighing a little over 5lbs. She has a tough start to life what with being in the pre-term baby bank as it was called here she was tube fed and monitored for five weeks. But she was 10 weeks now and she was thriving. 

Blaise and Luna went to visit Newt Scammander over one summer and came back, not only with more wild and unique stories but having adopted a little girl of their own. Skye Zabini. They got engaged not long after but were too busy enjoying their life to have actually set a date for their wedding. They tried for a long time to get pregnant only to struggle to conceive. Pansy in the end offered to be their surrogate and when she was 6 months along, Luna found out she was expecting. So Skye ended up with two brothers to keep her on her toes. River and Everest.

Theo and Ginny took a little longer than the rest to settle down. Ginny graduated and joined the Holyhead Harpies and travelled the world, playing in every Stadium in Europe. She loved the fast paced lifestyle but Theo wanted to settle down. So, just after Draco and Hermione's wedding the couple split up for a time.

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