Little Chats

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Hermione sat in the library for hours looking through book after book, feeling like she was getting nowhere before finally giving up and heading to bed. She and Draco had decided to stay in their own rooms while at home so as not to shock their mothers. As she climbed into bed that night, it felt lonely and cold without Draco lying next to her.

She didn't like it.

So as quietly as she could she hopped out of bed, when she was sure everyone would be asleep and tiptoed to her door, opening it, just as Draco was closing his. He had his back to her so she crept up behind him. "Out for a stroll?" She whispered causing him to jump in fright.

"Merlins balls you scared me!" Draco shouted in a whisper. "Why are you out of bed?"

"Why are you out of bed?" Hermione challenged.

"I missed you." He shrugged. "Without you, my bed feels -"

"Cold and empty?" Hermione finished for him.

"You too?" She nodded at his question, then took his hand and guided him into her room. Moving down under the covers she snuggled up to Draco and found herself sleeping peacefully soon after.

When she woke the next morning Draco was gone. She knew that he probably left so no one would suspect anything but she still frowned. After showering and changing, she headed down for breakfast, meeting Harry at the top of the stairs.

"Morning Mione," he gestured mot even having to turn around to know it was her.

"You ok?" She asked noticing the look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind," he responded but Hermione wasn't buying it.

She frog marched him into the kitchen where Poppy and Elmer were busy making breakfast.

She forced him to sit at the breakfast bar. "Alright spill," she announced as Poppy brought them both coffee.

Harry sighed. "It's all very...bizarre. Its Christmas, but Ron's not with us. He has totally changed, and he had before this whole Abaddon thing. We are here with a family. An actual family. Something I haven't had in a long time. And I keep thinking I'm going to mess it up and wreck it all. That, plus I have to formally speak with Mr Parkinson about courting his daughter. A notion I find totally ridiculous and yet I am absolutely terrified about."

Hermione did feel sorry for him. She really did. But in that moment, all she could do was laugh.

"Thanks Hermione, I feel much better now," Harry said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Harry. It's just, I suddenly got the image of us at this time last year, sitting in the forest planning on taking a trip to Godrics Hollow. We didn't have Ron then either. Our troubles are very different than they were then."

Harry gave a chuckle too. "You're right. Last year we were living off fish and berries. Always hungry and moody because of the locket."

"And I gave you that terrible haircut, remember?" Hermione laughed again.

Harry sighed. "We've been through a lot, me and you." He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze.

"We have. And we have overcome everything. I love you Harry James Potter and you will always be a brother to me. No matter what. And as for Mr Parkinson. He seems to be a really lovely gentleman and he quite liked you. You will be fine talking to him. You defeated Voldemort for crying out loud."

"Yeah but I had help with that." He pointed out. If it wasn't for Hermione, Ron and an insane amount of luck, he would not have lasted long.

"Well ask Draco what he said to Adelia last night."

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