Research & Recap

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And so began the stalking of Ron Weasley.

As well as keeping up with their Prefect and Head duties, completing homework assignments and now keeping tabs on Ron, the gang were always kept busy.

Using the map, they would watch him like a hawk and would even take it in turns to follow him. It worked out well considering Harry was in all of Ron's classes bar one, History of Magic and Pansy was in that one so there was always on gang member around him.

Ginny had filled Theo in on everything that they had discovered when he got out of hospital after a few days and he helped in the stalking/keeping tabs.

Hermione, Luna and Draco went into revision mode, finding out all they could on Abraddon and the curse they needed. Checking out about 10 books each and taking notes on all major points of reference.

They even got Ezra, Rolf, Neville, Dean, Seamus and Ella in on the action....or lack of it.

Ron had quietened down lately. He never seemed to venture to the 4th all actually. He went to class, the dinner hall and to his detentions (which he was going to be in until Christmas).

Other than that he sat in his room. He was unusually quiet. The Gryffindors (bar Hermione) sat with Ron at meals but he gave little away.

Ron and Neville would sometimes complete homework in the library but very little was discussed besides their class material.

It was very boring.

And it remained that way all though November and December, right up until the Christmas holidays.

Ron and Ginny were headed to The Burrow with Luna and Theo joining them for the holidays. George had been filled in as well and had agreed to help keep and eye on Ron while he was at home.

During school, Ron wasn't able to get access to the potion ingredients he needed but at home, he could travel where he wanted so there was more of a chance.

The only saving grace is that Padma was going to be with him for the holidays too.

So the night they were due to leave to head home for the holidays they all sat in Hermione and Draco's dorm room looking over their notes they had accumulated. Every ounce of information they could on Aboddos.

"So it turns out that Voldemort was a bloody butterfly compared to this git!" Draco sighed throwing a book onto the table in front of him. "Perfect!"

Hermione set down her quill on the coffee table where Pansy, her and Blaise were writing notes called out by Harry, Luna and Draco.

"So let's recap - what do we know?" Luna asked.

"He used to kidnap witches, wizards and demons and steal their powers." Ginny noted.

"He absorbs his preys powers, by placing his hands on their temples." Pansy said.

"He wanted to gain as many powers as he could so he could take over the world." Blaise announced adding. "The selfish ass!"

"He killed anyone who tried to stop him. Men, women and children." Harry noted.

"He drank unicorn blood daily to keep himself alive." Draco presented.

"He was the one to create Inferi as his army." Theo read out.

"It took seven of the wizarding worlds most powerful beings to destroy him," Hermione added. "And even they couldn't kill him. So he was cursed, his body trapped on another astral plane."

"And now the bastard has potentially possessed my brother and is using him to get himself into our dimension where he can once again try to take over the world." Ginny huffed.

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