What Now?

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Neither Draco nor Hermione were sure how long they stayed like that. But they both knew they did not want it to stop. Draco lifted his hand from the small of her back up to her face, cupping it lightly. Hermione moved her hands to around his neck, playing with his hair. 

It was sweet and pure and more than either of them had hoped for. This was not the first time they had kissed. Since that first day in the garden, they had kissed every chance they got. But this felt different. This was the start of something different. For both of them. 

"Hey Mione have you seen my....whoops, never mind I will come back later," Harry smirked as the two lovebirds didn't even break apart as his entrance to the dorm. He smiled at his best friend/sister's happiness as he headed back the way he came.

Whatever he needed, it could wait. 

The couple finally broke apart laughing at the situation. "Sorry I didn't even give you a chance to speak. What did you want to say?" Draco asked. 

"Who cares?" Hermione smiled as she pulled him in again. 

When they finally did come up for air, several minutes later, Draco did not let go of her, but rather took her with him over to the couch and sat down before pulling her onto his lap and back against his chest. 

"I have wanted to do that for so long!" He sighed. 

"What? Sit down? You could have said." She giggled as he tickled her relentlessly as she squirmed on his knees. "Ok, ok, sorry." She laughed.

"I meant to kiss you like that."

"Well why didn't you?" She looked down at him.

"I was terrified. I wasn't sure how to bring it up. You were getting to know your new family, and then my mother and I moved in and so much was happening. Then we were coming back here and I was going to talk to you but the last few days have been manic."

"They have." She agreed.

"I didn't want to start something with you, with the interrogation hanging over us. Plus there was always the chance that you were not interested in another relationship as you just got out of your last one a few weeks ago and -"

"For you." Hermione said simply.


"I went to Ron that night because you and I almost kissed and I wanted to and I realised that I did not want to be with Ron. I wanted you. I was going to break up with him and come back and tell you that night that I liked you. But as you say so much else was going on, I never got the chance."

"So all this time, we could have been doing this and we were wasting time sitting at opposite ends of the couch? Oh that's it." he moved, throwing her off his knee and onto the sofa, before climbing on top of her and bringing his lips down on her again. 

This time was more passionate and was becoming more heated as time went on. Draco had one hand on the sofa and the other on Hermione's hip as he kissed her and she hand her arms around him.

She bent her leg up and pulled him closer, his hand moved from her hip to her thigh sending sparks through both their bodies.

He was keeping a respectable space between them both but Hermione was having none of it. She grabbed his arm that was holding him up and pulled, causing him to come down on top of her and their bodies to flush together.

And she still didn't break their kiss although she felt Draco smirk against her lips.

She moved his sweater vest up and, with his help, over his head, before loosening his tie and removing it too. He in turn helped her put of her cardigan and tie.

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