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The smoke Hermione and Theo had seen in the corridor that night was now in front of them, billowing out from a large stone.

So, the others had not found Ron in the basement. She couldn't believe she actually wanted to rescue him. She risked her life to try and get him out of danger when he was off at the school, removing the bloody rock and, therefore, Abaddon from the school. She should have left when she had the chance. At least Astoria would be safe. So Ron was away in Hogwarts, moving the rock Abbadon was cursed into. So where were the boys?

"You see, Abaddon here is a very powerful wizard who just wants to be free. I just want to be rich and powerful."

"So why not team up." Abaddon said as if it was obvious. "Once I am free, Abraham will be rewarded for his service to me. I shall see to it that he gets more riches than he could possibly need, and once I have gained control of the wizarding community, I shall appoint him my right hand."

"And what about me?" Ron asked. "I was the one who found you and brought you here?"

"Yes, you shall have a seat at my table. You have been...useful." Abaddon answered.

"Working together just seemed like the logical choice. That way, we both get what we want." It was perfect, really -"

"Except you were locked up, and the cursed rock was in Hogwarts." Hermione added to her father, trying to buy some time.

She had no idea what for obviously.

"Well, that was a challenge, I'll admit. But Juliette here offered to volunteer to help at the school and look for the rock. Didn't you baby?"

Juliette smiled. "And I found it on the 4th floor. I tried to awaken it but got nothing. I needed someone who Abaddon could infect... someone who hadn't unlocked their evilness yet."

She gave a laugh. "I was about to leave when this idiot walked right into me. He was stupid, niave, and had a jealous streak. He was perfect!"

Ron didn't even realise he was being offended. He just smiled. Idiotically.

"So I convinced him to help me, he got infected and I put a curse on him so he wouldn't remember. Then I just had to sit back and wait for him to come to me. Which he did."

Abaddon clapped his hands. "You see? It all worked out."

"ENOUGH! I am fed up with his moronic dispute. Where is the potion?" Abaddon snapped.

"Right here," Abaddon said, holding up the potion vial, while the blonde masked man and the two brunettes began working.

One lifted up a spellbook and sat it on the podium that the blonde conjured. The third dimmed the lights. Abraham set an ancient looking book on the podium. It was easily three times the length of a normal book and had a brown cover. At first glance, Hermione thought it was leather, but as she squinted, she could make out the bumps and grooves in the cover. This was something else. It looked like skin.

"Let's get started," Abraham smirked. "Amara, join me."

"Like hell!" Adelia snapped, trying to move but unable to.

"Bring her to me!"

One of the masked men dragged Adelia by the hair over to where Abraham stood. Abraham lifted her to her feet. "I think a little persuasion might be in order."

He punched Adelia in the stomach.

"Stop!" Hermione and two Blaises screeched. It must have been Harry and Blaise. Chains clanged together as the boys, Ginny, Astoria, Luna, and Kingsley, tried desperately to break free in the hopes of helping, but it was no good. They were powerless without their wands.

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