Testing Potions

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It didn't take long at all for everyone to start arriving back to the shop. While they were gone, Hermione and Draco had created work stations for chopping, cutting, boiling, measuring and storing the ingredients as well as having the fire roaring under the cauldron and all the necessary tools and equipment, which Hermione transfigured from things she found in the stockroom. 

"Merlin Hermione, you are a dab hand at organising," Dumbledore commented as he watched her work. "Truly extraordinary."

She blushed but smiled at the ex Headmaster. 

Draco and Harry took to measuring out all the ingredients as Hermione and Pansy washed everything and set it out ready to go. Luna and Blaise worked on measuring and preparing the extras just in case. 

George and Bill were the last back with their ingredients. "Sorry we are late," Bill shrugged. "Ran into a bit of trouble getting the Alihotsy."

George laughed. "I was negotiating a price for the man's stock when Bill complained about the time. Next thing I know the place was surrounded by black smoke, and suddenly we were upstairs...with the Alihotsy."

"Instant Darkness powder?" Harry asked. 

"You know it comes in handy," Bill smiled. "They guy doubled the price when he heard we were in a panic for it. Bloody robbery so it was."

"So to counteract that, you robbed him?" Luna asked confused. 

"I left him 5 galleons which was more than enough." Bill defended. 

"Billius Weasley, I have never been more proud," Fred called from next to Snape turning to the Potions master. "He gets it from me." he smirked.

"I have no doubt." Snape replied. 

The group sat in relative silence as they watched Hermione and Snape chat about the ingredients and the best way to use them. There was a bit of debate going back and forth but the whole time Snape smiled, clearly in his element. 

In the afternoon, Ginny and Harry left to head to Quidditch practise as Bill went to check on his wife, coming back with food and drinks for everyone. Kingsley left shortly after lunch for a business meeting. Luna and Pansy went for a walk to stretch their legs and the boys were taking it in turns to playing Bill in rounds of chess. 

The first three attempts of the potion making didn't work. It was now well past 11pm. Draco and Blaise went to do rounds up at the castle having to sneak in and out as they went. Ginny and Harry had long since come back, with Ginny, Blaise, and Luna doing homework and Pansy and Harry cleaning up the bad potions. Theo was taking notes for Hermione on what worked and what didn't so she would know for the next attempt. 

She was really trying. She was. But with each failed attempt she was beginning to doubt her abilities. Maybe she should have asked Slughorn to help, or somone within the Ministry. But they wouldn't have cared as much about the outcome. Hermione wanted to help McGonagall which in turn would help Ron. She was invested. She was determined to get it right.

She hadn't realised her hand had frozen over the cauldron, about to add an ingredient when she got lost in her train of thought. "Love?" Draco asked from his seat next to the cauldron. "Are you ok?"

Hermione sighed. "What if I screw this one up to?"

Draco smiled at his girlfriend. "Darling, you are creating a potion...from scratch...having no prior knowledge of it or no recipe to go off. You are doing amazing. I know everyone in here is very proud of you. You will get it. I believe in you."

He kissed her cheek and placed his hand over hers. "It's two drops you wanted, right?" He asked. She nodded and he helped her to pour out the necessary amount. "Don't give up." He encouraged. 

Secret Smile.    *Complete* Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora