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Hermione jumped awake at the noise. The old book had fallen off her lap and onto the floor - scaring the crap out of her in the process. She checked the watch her adoptive mother gave her. 8.15am. She was late for breakfast. 

She dashed up and out of the trunk, transforming her clothes into her pristine school uniform. She muttered a spell and her day old makeup was redone and her hair tied itself up into a messy bun. She felt a little groggy but at least she looked as fresh as a daisy. 

She listened against the bedroom door. All was silent so she assumed that Draco was already away. She dashed out of the room and down the little hallway in her common room and then out the portrait door. 

Hermione rushed down the stairs with her book bag swinging against her hips as she walked. She was power walking to try and get to the Great Hall in time to have something. She may have been alright missing dinner but if she missed breakfast too she would begin to feel sick. 

She slowed down as she walked into the Great Hall. There sitting in their usual group was her friends, her brother and her boyfriend. They looked up hopeful as she entered and made space for her to sit down. But she had no intention of joining them. They were sitting at the end of the Ravenclaw table so instead Hermione turned to the right and went to sit with Neville and Dean.

"Morning boys," she smiled brightly as she approached them.

"Morning," Neville said brightly as Dean simply mumbled a sorrowful 'hello'.

Hermione didn't even sit, she simply put butter and jam on a piece of toast and popped an apple into her bag. Dean was rising from his seat as she finished. "Dean? Walk me to class?" She asked. 

He looked up at her giving her a half smile and then nodded. "Sure Hermione."

Neville had already turned his attention to his girlfriend who had joined him. 

Draco watched as his girlfriend smiled at the Gryffindor boy and they headed off together out of the hall. She was really mad. He knew she was. He had searched all over the castle for her last night. He couldn't find her. He even checked Harry's map to find her only to see her footprints in her room. But when he knocked on her door there was no response. 

He had sat outside her room for 3 hours hoping she would eventually leave but she didn't. He had really messed up. 

"She will come around," Harry assured him. 

"I know but how can I apologise to her when she won't talk to me." Draco mumbled. 

"She is angry. You basically made it sound like you didn't trust her. It hurt. And I know that Ezra has been seeing someone for a long time and has no romantic feelings towards Hermione at all." Luna shrugged. 

"Well we know that now. But it looked bad and -" Blaise began but Harry cut him off.

"Did it? I mean I was there. Yes he brushed her hair out of her face but as she pointed out to me yesterday, I have done that to her at least 100 times in a strictly platonic way. If she was acting differently I would agree with you 100% but she was acting like she does with everyone. She was being a good friend."

"Harry, you're making me feel worse, not better!" Draco groaned standing up. He couldn't listen to this anymore and wanted to be alone. So he headed out of the hall to his first class and hoped that his girlfriend would maybe talk to him by lunchtime. 

Hermione and Dean headed to their first class together - Potions. One where she was partnered with Draco. Great.

"Dean are you ok?" Hermione asked as they walked. 

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