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Hermione woke up on a cold, wet floor. There was still a smell of mould and dirt in the air that for a second she thought she was still in the Chamber of Secrets. She sat up, noticing the throbbing feeling in the side of her head. 

She wasn't in the chamber. She wasn't sure where she was, but it wasn't the chamber. She would be willing to bet that she wasn't even in Hogwarts any more. She remembered saying goodbye to the boys, remembered Ron shimmering her and Astoria away but after that it was a bit of a blur. 

From the pain in her head she assumed she was knocked out. She went to stand up, only then noticing the chains she was bound with. Her wrists and ankles all chained to the wall. The chains were long enough that she was able to stand but she couldn't walk to the other side of the room to see out the window to get an idea of where she was.

She looked around hoping for clues. It was a circular room. It actually reminded her of the Gryffindor common room if it was empty. The walls circled around her. There was a fireplace at one side that looked to be centuries old. The roof was hollow and went up in a point shape with beams across it. There wasn't even a candle as a source of light. Only the sunset which was coming in from the window, which had no glass but bars in it. 

She had no idea where she was or what the hell she was doing here. She sat back down trying to think. She couldn't. Her brain was fuzzy from the headache. 

She wasn't even sure if it was still Sunday or what time it was. She was guessing about 5pm because of the sunset. Or possibly sunrise.

The door to the room opened, and a woman stepped in. She looked to be in her late 30s early 40s. Hermione had never seen her before in her life, although she looked familiar. She was carrying a tray. 

"Oh good you are up. I thought maybe that Astoria girl, hit you a little too hard. My name is Juliette. It's so nice to finally meet you." She conjured a little wooden table and set the tray she was carrying down on it. 

"Now, I have some things here to tend to your wounds. I'm sorry about the chains, but he says they are necessary." She smiled as if having a perfectly normal conversation with Hermione. "Now turn around, and I will clean you up. I am afraid I have to do this the muggle way. I can't risk you getting my wand."

She left her wand out of reach on the table and brought a bowl and cloth with her, setting them on the floor. "I am not going to hurt you Amara. Please let me help you."

"Amara? My name is Hermione?"

"No, no, that is the name your mother gave you. Your father never wanted you called that. Your name was to be Amara."

"My father?" Hermione asked. 

Juliette just smiled. She dipped the cloth into the basin and squeezed it out. She began to pat that back of Hermione's head. "She really was unnecessarily rough with you. When he finds out he may punish Miss Astoria for her bad manners."

Hermione didn't even have the energy to fight the woman. For some reason she didn't have any energy at all. The weight of the chains were so strong they were actually hurting her. Juliette dapped the wound a few more times before muttering a spell. "I am afraid I am not a healer but at least that should stop the bleeding." She moved onto Hermione's hands which were bruised and scrapped and finally her cheek and lip.

"I have some soup for you. I am afraid it might sting with that lip but you need to eat," She conjured a pillow and propped up Hermione's head. She then lifted the bowl and a spoon and began to feed Hermione. She didn't even object. The worst this lady could do was to kill her and even then, at least the pain would stop, and she would be free. Maybe freer than she wanted but free nonetheless. 

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