A Trade

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Ron Weasley was standing at half way down the chamber. He wasn't alone either. Walking along with him was Astoria Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson. Astoria was smirking and she held a wand up to Pansy's throat. 

"Ronald!" Hermione gasped. 

"Thought I wouldn't figure out what you were up to?" He smirked, tilting his head sideways in a sinister manner. "Think that I wouldn't be able to see past Bill and Ginny suddenly taking an interest in me?"

"What did you do to them?" Draco snapped.

"Just a simply sleeping draught. They will wake up in about an hour or so." He moved forward again his wand, and Astoria's still pointed at Pansy, who was struggling against her bound hands. A nasty gash across her face. 

"All of you, drop your wands." Astoria said threateningly. 

No one moved at first. 

"I said drop them," she snapped. She flicked her wand across Pansy's next causing another gash. "It's not deep but drop them, or it will be!"

They reluctantly dropped their wands. Ron accio'd them to his feet.

"And where are the others?" Blaise said through gritted teeth. "If you have hurt my Luna, I will -"

"What?" Ron laughed. "Come after me? Hurt me? As if. Besides, she is fine. Astoria simply confunded them and locked them in a broom closet. We needed Pugface here for bait."

The three of them stepped forward again. Pansy gave a cry as Astoria pulled her by the hair. 

"Astoria, what the fuck are you helping him for?" Draco said. "I didn't think you would stoop so low."

"Me stoop low?" She laughed, throwing her head back. "And what about you baby? Slumming with a Mudblood? You are mine! We were destined to be married! I was going to be your wife. Then she batted her fucking eyelashes at you. You changed. What the fuck happened to you?"

"I fell in love," Draco said, holding Hermione's hand. 

"She is nothing compared to me," Astoria growled. 

"You are right. She is perfect. Smart, sexy, beautiful. Everything you are not. Plus she has my heart. Hermione Granger Zabini, love of my life."

"DON'T CALL HER THAT!" Ron bellowed. 

"What Granger Zabini? You're right. The future Mrs Hermione Malfoy sounds so much better." Draco smirked and looked to Hermione who blushed. 

"Over my dead body!" Astoria and Ron both shouted. 

"That can be arranged," Harry snapped back. "Let Pansy go. She has nothing to do with this."

"Oh she has everything to do with this. See we are here for a trade." Astoria said. "Pansy....for her," she pointed to Hermione.

"Like fuck," all four men said standing in front of her. 

"Well then I am afraid this Basilisk is going to gain a new roommate. What was that Ginny wrote in first year?" Astoria mocked. "Oh yes... Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever." She threw Pansy to the ground.

Harry went to run forward only Ron cast a hex that narrowly missed him. "Ah, ah Harry. Can't let you do that. Now I know that for some deluded reason you have been shacking up with this pug faced Slytherin, so I know you will try to be a hero. But don't!" He warned. 

"Well guys...say goodbye to the loser," Ron said turning to Pansy who looked beyond terrified. 

"Do it and I will drop this vial!" Hermione shouted. Astoria and Ron both turned around to look at her. Hermione had the vial in her hands, holding it above her head. "I mean it. You harm one hair on her head and I will smash this! How are you going to explain that to your boss?"

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