An Ally?

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The following morning, everyone was packed and ready to leave by 9am. The train wouldn't be leaving until 10am but they wanted to get down early to grab a cabin for themselves. So after breakfast, all eight of the group headed back upstairs only to reappear moments later, levitating their trunks behind them.

Draco had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend as they descended the last steps of the Grand Staircase. Hermione had already bid goodbye to the portraits. Professor Dumbledore and the four founders, who had grown very fond of her since their little chat they had, and of course Fred. Snape had said he had spent enough time around the group to last him a lifetime and a goodbye would only get his hopes up that he might finally get some peace and quiet.

Not likely with Fred there to torture him.

Ron and Padma ended up walking just ahead of them. Ron seemed to be in a better mood than he had months. He still looked like someone who had ate a very sour sweet but it was a vast improvement.

Theo was practically bouncing. He had heard so much about the Weasleys and The Burrow and was beyond excited to meet everyone and taste Mrs Weasleys cooking. Harry was a little nervous. Today he would be formally introduced to Pansy's father as her boyfriend and would be visiting with them for Boxing Day to spend time getting to know him. Hermione thought it was adorable how nervous he was. Proof that he must really care for this girl.

As planned they managed to get one of the larger compartments to themselves meaning all eight of the friends could sit together and not feel squished. Hermione sat by the window seat, with Draco next to her, his arm around her and his other free hand holding hers. Pansy sat with her legs over Harry's, his hands on her knees. Ginny was leaning up against Theo's chest and Blaise was lying up against Lunas.

Hermione couldn't help but smile at the four couples. She felt lucky that everyone one of them paired off and were happy.

"Any idea what time it is?" Blaise asked breaking the silence.

"9.55am mate," Theo answered checking his watch.

"So what time will we be in Kings Cross at?" He asked.

"Probably about 5pm or so." Harry answered.

"I swear we should be allowed to Apparate. We passed our tests didn't we?" Blaise groaned.

"Too risky with all the luggage and things. Besides I quite like the train ride. We only have a few of them left before we graduate," Luna smiled as if relaying a memory in head.

Hermione liked the train journey too. It have her time with her friends and with Draco. In all honesty, they had been so busy lately that she felt she only really got to spend time with Draco when they were getting ready for bed.

Draco and Hermione, although they wanted to, decided not to sleep in the same bed together every night. They still needed some time apart so Hermione could read and Draco could write in his thoughts journal and reflect on his therapy sessions which he was still attending. They were trying to be smart about their relationship. Hermione knew she had found her person. Her soul mate and the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

That silly argument they had undergone about Ezra, made Hermione realise that she couldn't take her relationship for granted and must always put effort into. So they had discussed everything from sleeping arrangements, to evenings apart to special "date nights" where they would dedicate time, just the two of them, taking it in turns to chose activities.

It had been working very well for them and made their relationship a lot stronger.

This allowed every Thursday night to be Pansy and Hermione night where they would sit up and have girl talk and deepen their friendship. Hermione had become someone that Pansy could rely on for anything and Pansy cherished having the Gryffindor in her life. She forgot how it felt to have a girl on her side no matter what.

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