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It was the following morning before she got to talk to Blaise. For no other reason than she and Draco spent the whole evening, and the night 'christening' her trunk. In many different ways. But she managed to catch up with her brother before they headed down to breakfast.

"Blaise?" She asked tapping his shoulder.

What she wasn't expecting was for Blaise to not even speak but to swing around and engulf her in a bear hug for about 10 seconds before saying anything. "Hermione I am so sorry. I was an asshole. I was a dick. I don't fucking care who you talk to or are friends with. I don't even know why it bothered me but I overheard him one day saying you were like a such a good friend to him and I was jealous. You are my sister, my twin, and I want us to be closer than anyone."

"It's ok Blaise. I understand. You hurt me but I know you are sorry. And I completely forgive you. That's what family is all about after all."

"I am still sorry."

"How about you walk me to breakfast to make up for it?" She smirked. Draco and Luna had already went off ahead of them. Luna was trying to convince him of some of the creatures that she was convinced lived in his ears. He believed none of it but he thought it was charming how passionate how Luna was about them so he was always willing to listen.

"It would be my pleasure," Blaise smiled as he held out his arm for Hermione to take. And so they headed off walking slowly, chatting about everything and anything. It reminded Hermione of how important it was to take time with just her twin, away from everyone else. They had missed out on a whole childhood together so it was important that they had some quality time just the two of them.

She promised herself that as well as keeping her tradition of one night with Pansy a week for girly catchups that she should arrange a night with Blaise and Harry to keep the sibling bond strong.

Of course both boys loved the idea and the Zabini/Potter get together became a tradition. Draco would spend the evening with Theo, Pansy, Ginny and Luna to give them the Heads dorm to themselves. These evenings were mostly just swapping childhood stories or Hermione sharing her childhood traditions with both boys - having to explain the muggle parts to Blaise. As both boys grew up in households were they never received much affection. They were all for keeping up the traditions Hermione had.

For the first few weeks after the holidays, the group found their lives very routine. They would have classes, do homework together, hangout and patrol the corridors and the fourth floor. For a while there was never anything suspicious to report and they were beginning to wonder if something had happened - like Ron developed a conscious and stopped helping Abaddon but they were soon to find out that they had no such luck.

It was a night that Hermione and Theo were patrolling the corridor entrance. They were of course under the cover of the cloak. Hermione had managed to adjust it so that the were able to prop it up around them and to hide them from view. That added with an invisible spell she had learnt meant that they could sit on the widow ledge, completely hidden but they didn't have to huddle under the cloak.

Tonight Hermione was helping Theo with his homework. She had become a bit a tutor for a few of the group with Draco helping the others.

"Ok so all you need now is to add your conclusion. Make sure you add in what colour the potion turned and the results of testing it on the toad, Professor Slughorn will give you a few extra points for highlighting what changes you would make to your potion next time to increase the effects. Then I'd say you are done."

"And you are my hero Hermione. Thank you so much!" Theo smiled.

"Of course. I'm happy to help. Plus you brought snacks so you get extra credit."

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