Home for the Holidays

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Pulling into the station, Hermione was very excited. Excited to see her Adelia, Narcissa, to be heading back to Zabini Manor for a much needed break and more importantly, being able to spend time with Draco, out of class, away from certain ex-boyfriends and away from the constant stares that seemed to follow them wherever they went. It wasn't easy, dating the most eligible bachelor in the Wizarding Community. Not that anything would stop her. 

Padma had left earlier to go and find Ron, promising to keep and eye on him and report anything suspicious to them all. Hermione felt having her on their side could only be a good thing. It hadn't been easy listening to Padma talk about the start of her and Ron's relationship. Harry had been fuming and couldn't understand Hermione's calmness. But Hermione couldn't be angry or upset about a relationship she didn't want to be in.

Ron cheating actually made things easier for her is she was being honest.

She was happy with Draco. Happier than she had ever been. Happier than she could ever imagine being. She had never felt this way before. Definitely not with Ron. So why be hurt or angry?

The train slowly stopped and Hermione was up on her feet, buzzing with excitement.

"Someone is eager," Draco smirked.

"I've missed Adelia. More than I could explain. I've missed home. I've missed your mother. I can't wait to see everyone." She gushed taking Draco's hand and darting out of their compartment. She had to be patient. She knew it wouldn't exactly look good for the head girl to be chucking first years out of her way to get to the platform - no matter how much she wanted to do it.

At last Draco stepped off onto the concrete surface of platform 9 and 3/4s and helped Hermione down. Not that she needed it but he was being a gentleman so she indulged it. She looked around frantically, finally spotting the brunette and blonde lady standing at the far side of the platform.

Both women were standing beaming at them. Looking from their joined hands to their faces, their eyes dancing with excitement. Hermione was pretty sure both mothers were hearing wedding bells and seeing lace in their periphial vision.

Hermione took off at a run, dragging poor Draco with her as she darted straight through the crowd and leapt into her mother's arms leaving Draco standing awkwardly next to them with only one free hand to hug his own mother. But he didn't mind. He loved seeing Hermione so happy.

"Oh my darling I have missed you too." Adelia smiled squuezing her daughter tight.

"I have missed you too...mum," she smiled whispring the last bit. Hermione had realised at school that she had come to love Adelia and thought of her as her mother. Her true mother. She knew that Adelia loved to hear her say the words. So she had planned a special Christmas gift, to finally tell her how she felt.

Adelia let go and held her at arms length. "You look well. Happy." She said after studying her face.

"Well I have him to thank for that," she said gesturing to Draco.

Adelia smiled and winked at her daughter, releasing her from her grip, only to pull Draco into it. And Narcissa pulled in Hermione.

She hugged her boyfriends mother back as Narcissa whispered. "He looks happier than I have ever seen him look. You make him happy. Thank you." It touched Hermione's heart. She knew that was all Narcissa wanted for her son. 

"Thank you for raising him to be the man he is," she whispered back. Narcissa squeezed tighter.

When the four broke apart, they simply smiled at one another. Draco had wrapped an arm around Hermione, holding her to him and she wrapped both her arms around him.

Secret Smile.    *Complete* Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat