Hangovers & Makeovers

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Hermione woke up the next morning to knocking on her bedroom door. She just about managed to pull the blanket back over Draco, who was only in his boxers, before Pansy burst into the room.

"Good Morning!" She sang. "Time to get up. Breakfast is ready and we have a lot to do today!" She pulled the covers off Draco as Hermione climbed out of the bed. 

Draco moaned. "Who let her in?" 

"Come on. Up Malfoy! Don't make me get the cold water." She warned. 

Draco didn't need telling twice as he jumped out of bed. Pansy winked at Hermione. "One day in 5th year after a Slytherin party, I had to wake him up. He wasn't having it so I use 'augumenti' and poured cold water over him. I could literally see his balls jump back up into his body." she laughed.

"Fuck you Parkinson." He snapped.

"Um no thanks, been there, done that." Pansy said and then looked to Hermione realising what she said. "Sorry Hermione."

Hermione shrugged. "Everyone knew you liked him. Only made sense that you guys got together."

Pansy was impressed with her friends maturity. She didn't know if she would have the same response. Which caused her to ask. "Did you and Harry ever -"

"I don't want to know!" Draco shouted covering his ears. Hermione wasn't sure either of them wanted to hear.  "Didn't you say something about a busy day?" he turned to Pansy. 

"Yes and breakfast is ready. Your mother asked me to wake you two and Blaise and Luna."

"Well they don't sleep here," Draco scoffed. "And the sooner you leave, the sooner we can get ready and head down."

Pansy stuck her tongue out at the blonde boy and left the room, not closing the door as she went.

Hermione was already in her closet, putting on her clothes. When she turned he was sheepishly standing in her closet doorway. 


"Draco," she answered. 

"What happened last night? I remember talking to Luna and thinking you were gone. Then we came in here and...did I fall?"

Hermione laughed. "Yes you did. While stripping for bed."

"Oh Merlin." He groaned. "I was a mess. I am sorry."

She stepped up to him and kissed him. "You were cute."

"And did we...talk?"

"We did."

"What about?" 

"A few things to be honest. Don't worry you didn't tell me anything I didn't already know." She smiled as she walked past him and towards the door. 

"Oh good." He smiled and then stopped. She didn't technically say what he said. Draco thought he remembered telling her he loved her but he wasn't sure. It was all a little fuzzy. And if he did, Hermione wasn't giving anything away. 

Breakfast was very quiet. It was very obvious that Blaise and Draco were hungover. It was hilarious to see the two leant over the table looking rough.

"For merlin's sake. Poppy will you please get those two idiots a Pepper Up Potion and a shot of Remedium please?" Narcissa rolled her eyes at the two of them looking very sorry for yourselves. 

"Good thing I booked you three boys in with Ivan this morning," Adelia laughed. 

"Who?" Harry asked taking the words out of Hermione's mouth. 

"A stylist. He is going to help you get ready for the ball. He should be here is about an hour."

Poppy arrived back with the potions which both boys downed instantly and perked up after a matter of seconds. 

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