Ball Prep

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"This ball will follow the same rules as the Yule one. You will be introduced by an announcer at the door. You are expected to enter accompanied by a man, Hermione and you Harry and expected to have someone accompany you. As your date."

Hermione nodded along paying attention to everything. Even how Pansy stood. She was very nervous about the ball, wanting to impress her family, Draco and prove to the community that she belonged in this lifestyle. And who better to show her than Pansy who had years of training. Hermione was very...slouchy in how she stood. Pansy was always poised and elegant looking.

Hermione straightened herself up as she listened.

"You will come in through the doors and make your way to the centre of the room. As the hosts, you will lead the first dance. Just like you both did at the Yule Ball."

Harry was suddenly nervous. Dancing was not his forte.

"You have one waltz. Then break to welcome guests. You will stay with your partner. So for example, Harry, you will take my arm and we will stand side by side smiling and saying hello to the crowd who will form a line and walk past us.

Pansy began pacing in front of them.

"Don't worry you don't have to stay and talk to people it's just a very quick hello. Then we have a welcome speech. This is usually done by the father of the family but as he is...em -"

"Indesposed?" Harry offered.

"Precisely. Well then it will be up to the oldest man in the family. Although I heard your mother say that she will ask the four of you to stand and speak."

"What?" Hermione asked scared. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. You, Blaise, Harry and Draco. You are all living here as a blended family and as such, you can all speak. A little untraditional but I think it's lovely."

"Easy for you to say," Harry groaned as Pansy pecked his cheek.

"You will be fine my love. That is why I am here, to help."

"Thank you," he smiled and kissed her back.

"Ok so after the speech, we usually have the Minister for Magic say a few words before everyone eats. It's a formal dinner. You will sit with the Minister and his family. The tables usually seat ten so let's see. You will have:

Hermione and Draco
Blaise and Luna
Harry and Myself
Adelia and Narcissa
The Minister and his wife.

I doubt his kids will come as its usually an event for children over 16years old. So marriage age."

"What? At 16 years old?" Harry asked.

"Of course. This is when arranged marriages would be announced. It is perfectly normal for a family to announce the marriage of their son or daughter at these things."

"Wow!" Hermione exclaimed. She would be forever thankful that her mother didn't intend to have one set up for her.

"So the meal will be 6 courses. Nothing too elaborate. But remember not to fill up on the first ones. They always have the best desserts. And don't drink too much at dinner. There is more dancing afterwards so you don't want to eat loads and drink and then vomit as you spin around the floor."

"Gross," Harry exclaimed.

"It happens." She shrugged. "So then after the meal, there is some general chatting while the floor is cleared. This is a chance for us girls to have a rest. After that it's literally like a game of who hasn't danced with you."

"Excuse me?" Hermione asked.

"Any man can ask, at any stage, to dance with you and it is deemed impolite to decline. I'm warning you Mione you will dance with some vulgar men - especially when they've been drinking. But they know they are being watched so just grin and bear it and when it's over, quickly thank him and move on."

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