Odd Request

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"Very nice. Very nice in deed." Blaise said after they got the tour of the dorm. "How soft was your bed Draco?"

"It's actually not bad at all. It reminded me of...wait why do you want to know?" He asked sceptical.

Blaise smirked. "Making sure that you slept in your own bed and didn't go wondering last night."

Hermione blushed, but hid her face behind Blaise, who she was sitting next to on the sofa, without anyone really noticing. Well nothing would have happened because apparently he is single.

"Of course I did. Where else would I sleep?" Draco snorted. He thought that Blaise meant that he had went off out to find some girl to have meaningless sex with.

It wasn't until be saw Hermione's face drop that he realised what he said. And wished he hadn't.

"Just checking," Blaise responded as he leaned back on his sofa and Hermione leant her head on his shoulder.

She decided to change the subject before she got more annoyed.

"Blaise, Harry? Have either of you spoken to Adelia yet?"

"Hermione, my darling. We have only been away from her for 24 hours. Of course not!" Blaise laughed.

"I will write to her before the weeks out. It will be weird to use the schools owls." Harry gloomily responded.

"I know." Hermione said sadly as Ginny patted Harry's leg and Luna his arm.

"Did we miss something?" Pansy asked.

"Harry had the most beautiful owl. It was a gift from Hagrid in his first year -" Ginny explained.

"Hedwig. Pure as snow. She was gorgeous." Hermione added.

"Was?" Blaise said what both Pansy and Draco were thinking.

"When I was being moved last July, we were attacked while traveling. Voldemort was there. He shot a curse at me and Hedwig sacrificed herself to save me."

"Aw that was so brave!" Pansy smiled sadly.

"That shows how much she cared for you. You obviously took exceptional care of her Harry." Luna offered as her was of cheering him up.

"I'm sorry that happened. I am sure she meant a lot to you. Don't worry about the school bird though. You will use our family owl - Iris. She is easy to spot in the owlery." Pansy offered.

"She is?" Hermione asked curiously.

"She is gorgeous!" Pansy gushed. "She has one side a raspberry colour with white patches and the other purple with white spots. The feathers on her face are orange around her eyes but blue above."

"She really is one of a kind." Draco nodded is agreement with Pansy.

"Oh I get it - Iris - Latin word for rainbow!" Hermione exclaimed.

Blaise nodded in agreement. "She is always in the owlery."

"Thanks," Harry uttered.

"So, how was it finding out you were related? It must have taken some getting used to?" Luna inquired.

Hermione looked to Blaise. "It was...weird. Basically, I was staying in Draco's depressing house, no offense mate," he clapped Draco's back.

"No it was a pretty depressing place." He agreed.

"And this lady from the Ministry came and said that I had to come with her. The Minister needed to speak with me about my family. Just before the war I had been living with my grandparents who had both recently died. I thought the meeting was about their shack of a house.

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