Drunken State

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The very next day began more prep for the infamous ball in which Hermione would present herself to society as a Zabini. 

Exactly what prep there was left to do, Hermione had absolutely no clue, but her mother and Narcissa were scarcely seen over the week. She and Harry had spent a day at The Burrow with the Weasley - all bar Ron, whom George had down for a shift at the store while they visited. Thank Merlin!

It had been lovely to catch up with them all and thank them for their Christmas gifts. Theo seemed to have settled well into Weasley life. He loved their home and was polite and courteous to everyone. 

He had developed a fascination with all things muggle, which has resulted in him becoming Arthur's best friend and he was keen to learn to bake which meant when Harry and Hermione arrived, they were met by Theo in the Weasley kitchen with Ginny and Molly making a cake, complete with a pink apron and everything. 

Hermione spent time with everyone - even listening to Percy, who was working on a legislation for elfish welfare for Kingsley, which made her particularly pleased. She caught up with Bill and Fleur and heard all about Fleur's pregnancy, she even met Charlie's girlfriend and found out that George was right - she was a lovely girl but just as wild as Charlie with her purple dreadlocks and tattoos. 

When they arrived back to the Manor, they found it completely empty with Blaise and Draco at the Leaky Cauldron and Adelia and Narcissa having a last minute meeting with the caterers after discovering some third cousin from the Nightingale side was allergic to fish.

Harry headed off to spend a few days with Pansy before they headed back to school, which meant that Hermione was home alone for a few hours. And of course being Hermione, she headed into the kitchen and made a cup of tea before heading to the best room in the house, in her opinion - the library.

She had made a list of the books she wanted to read within her first few days staying here, and she was slowly making her way through each and every one of them. She was confident that she could read the entire library before she was 20 years old. And there was A LOT to get through. 

Hermione conjured the book she wanted to finish and sat in the large armchair by the window. She flicked her wand to start her record player and threw a blanket around her, sighing. Between the music, tea, book, and the snow falling outside Hermione was in her element.

She didn't even realise that she had fallen asleep until she heard a commotion coming from the foyer. What sounded like a scuffle and then a smashing. Her book fell out of her hand as she jumped up with her wand out and surveyed the room. 

She had gotten good with her reflexes over the last few years, so she was alert and edging to the closed door, ready for whatever was behind it. At least, that is what she told herself as she turned the knob handle and slowly and quietly opened the door an inch. 

She saw three figures standing at he bottom of the stairs. She gripped her wand tighter as she heard another smash. 

"Will you two behave!" She heard a shouted whisper from a voice she recognised. Luna Lovegood. "You are going to wake the whole house up!"

"Soorrry, mother," Draco slurred and giggled.

Giggled? Hermione thought. 

"I knew that extra strong Firewhiskey was a bad idea," Luna moaned as she tried to lift both boys off the floor where they lay. 

Hermione smiled at the scene. She was about to go and help when Draco spun around on the stairs, looking Luna dead in the eye and letting go of Blaise, who slumped to the side and onto the steps. "Luna Lovegood, do you want to know a secret?" Draco asked, smiling.

Secret Smile.    *Complete* On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara