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An hour after breakfast and Hermione found herself wondering down a small alleyway in the centre of London. She was following her mother and Narcissa who seemed to be in their element discussing fabrics and colour options. 

She had expected to be heading to Diagon Alley, probably the most popular shopping village in the wizarding community. However, the mother's did not enter The Leaky Cauldron as expected. Instead, Hermione found herself walking past the wizarding pub and on down the street. 

They didn't seem to stop until they approached a very large street. One Hermione knew well. Oxford Street in London. The busiest shopping street in London for muggles. They walked right down to the middle of the street to what was known as the Oxford Circus. 

"Ah, it's free," Narcissa smiled as she headed towards one of the shop windows that faced the middle of the road. Hermione, who had spent years travelling to Hogwarts, walking onto Platform 9and 3/4s and yet she was still shocked when Narcissa walked straight at the window glass and right through it. 

"Your turn, darling," Adelia smiled gently pushing her daughter forward and through the glass. Hermione felt the same shiver take over her body as she stepped through and into another street. 

"Where are we?" She asked as her mother joined them both a half a second later. 

"You have never been here before?" Narcissa asked and Hermione shook her head. "My dear this is Artford Alley. Home of some of the most prestigious boutiques in the wizarding community."

Hermione looked around. The first thing she noticed was how bright and clean the row of shops were. Everything just looked so...pretty. The shopfronts had flowers and little signs outside. There were cafés where swarms of witches and wizards were drinking and eating, watching as shoppers passed. All the shops were black and white at the front, with large glass windows with real life mannequins in the windows whose outfits changed every 20 seconds or so. 

"So where to first?" Adelia clapped her hands together looking around. 

"How about Verve?" Narcissa asked pointing to the end of the street. "Always the best place for fabric. Then we can take it to Madame Drysdale Boutique for fitting and oh over to Magical Gems for jewellery." 

"Perfect!" Adelia smiled, hooked her arm through Hermione's and guided her to the very last shop in the street. A large shop which seems to have rolls and rolls of fabric lining the walls. 

There were two men and three women busy, cutting up fabric with their wands and enchanting sewing machines to work. All five looked up as the women entered and practically fell over themselves to offer their assistance.

"Good morning, ladies," the winning man smiled as he approached. He looked a little older than the rest of the staff. 

"Good morning Gustav," Narcissa smiled. "We have a formal ball coming up and need fabric for Hermione here." She gestured behind her. 

"Why Miss Gran - oh excuse me, Zabini. It is an honour and a privilege to have you in our store."

Hermione was still not used to being recognised. "Oh, thank you very much sir."

"Did you have any thoughts to what colour we want?" he asked.

"Em...not really," Hermione shrugged. 

"How about red for her Gryffindor house?" One of the ladies asked. She was young, possibly only a year or two older than Hermione. 

"Red might not suit her complexion." Narcissa said thinking hard.

Adelia was waving her wand and a few rolls came flying towards them, stopping only a few inches away from Hermione's face. The first unrolled itself and draped over her shoulder. It was a deep purple colour. 

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