Chapter 3- You Are Mine

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A new chapter for you guys. Let's get at least two votes in this chapter, pwetty pwease. *Does puppy dog eye*

"Hey beautiful".

I turned to see a cocky looking guy with dark brown hair, green eyes and a dangerous grin. On instinct I pointed my gun at him but the grin on his face only grew wider. In one swift move my gun was on the ground and in another it was a pile of worthless metal.

H-he just broke my gun with a small step, it seemed like he barely made any effort... this is when I run.

I took off but barely took up to two steps before he was standing in front of me with the grin still plastered on his face. He seemed to really be enjoying this, but unfortunately I wasn't.

Before I could think my hands were pinned to the tree behind me and my body immediately kicked into fight or flight mode. I struggled with all the strength I had in me but he just held me still with one hand. Just one hand! and I was exhausting the little strength I had left kicking like a maniac.

"Let me go!" I screamed and struggled but my attempts proved futile.

He leaned in closer to my neck and my struggling increased but his grip didn't loosen. I felt his breath on my neck before I felt something insert into it, the sharp pain traveled from my neck across my whole body.. The pain seemed to take over my entire body and it froze on instinct, as a shrill cry escaped my lips.

Black dots began to dance around my vision as I struggled to keep consciousness. 'I can't pass out here not with this stranger with me. Who knows what he'll do to me' Though I tried, I slowly felt my body embrace the darkness. "You are mine", that was the last thing I heard before all went black.


I woke up in a very unfamiliar environment. It was a huge room and I laid in a king sized bed that was so comfortable. Sunlight seeped through the windows signifying a new day. I turned my neck, noticing the soreness I winced a little from the pain.

Where am I?

I felt so different, like I was more energized? But my head was spinning. Is that normal?

I heard footsteps from the other side of the door which was then opened. The same guy I met in the forest walked in and he smirked when he saw me.

"You're awake", he said as he walked towards the bed. I immediately got off the bed and gave a threatening glare that said, 'One more step buddy and you ain't gonna have legs'. But that was just way of hiding the fear I now had for this guy.

The guy on the other hand didn't seem worried in the slightest. He chuckled as his eyes began to take me in.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What did you do to me?" I fired question after question.

"Well, I bit you" he answered with a shrug like it was a totally normal thing to say.

"W-what? W-why would you bite me", I asked as I rubbed the sore spot on my neck. Did he bite me on my neck?

The guy just walked past me towards the door and then turned back into the room. "You hungry or not?", he asked. Like hell I was going to eat anything he gave me.

"I'm not hungry", I replied but then my stomach immediately growled. Why does the universe have the worst timing?

"It doesn't seem to agree with you" he chuckled as he pointed at my stomach. This guy is so annoying.

"Shut up", I mumbled as I took off my bloody jacket, tossed it on the floor; because it is his problem now and made my way out of the room. This wasn't what I needed to deal with. My brothers are out there somewhere and I need to find them. Maybe they escaped...

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