Chapter 13- Reunion

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I buried my head in the pile of pillows beneath me and let out a contempt sigh. This bed has got to be the softest bed I've ever laid on in my entire life and I don't ever want to get up.

After Jason and I got back yesterday, he showed me to a new room so I wouldn't have to stay in the infirmary. Honestly speaking, the room was a little too big for one person but I ain't complaining.

While I was still pretty much purring and rolling around on the bed, I heard a loud knock on the door causing me to groan and toss a pillow in the direction of the door in annoyance.

I heard the knock again and I was tempted to just pretend like I was asleep so I wouldn't have to answer it. Nonetheless I fell out of bed and crawled tiredly towards the door. I used the door handle to hoist myself up before throwing it open.

The moment I opened it I was practically pounced on by some redhead wild animal. "Oh my goddess! She's so cute. I can't believe our Luna is a vampire!" . She was screeching a bit too close to my ear and I so badly wanted to rip out her tongue.

Without thinking I let out a threatening snarl before lounging at her.

She was pulled away from me just in time by some guy who was standing behind her and growling at me. He had light brown hair and caramel eyes that glared hard at me. I immediately recognized his scent as the other wolf that had tried to kill me that night. I'm pretty sure he was the one that sliced my arm too.

"Don't fucking threaten my mate!" He growled as his hands balled into fists. He barred his canines at me in a challenging manner.

"Learn to keep your damn dog on a leash then" I snarled. I really don't appreciate contact like that and definitely not from a complete stranger. And I also don't appreciate getting threatened by some dude who tried to kill me.

We were silent for a moment. The two of us just glaring at each other waiting for one of us to make a move. The redhead stood to the side looking very uncomfortable and pretty guilty.

She cleared her throat and sent me a sheepish smile. "Um... sorry about that. I was a little too excited." I let out a scoff, "ya think?" I asked sarcastically.

"Don't talk to her like that", dude was still boiling. "Make me", I said with a smirk. He growled and started to make his way towards me but stopped the moment his mate put her hand on his shoulder. "Preston, calm down. She's your Luna remember?"

He scoffed and narrowed his eyes at me while saying, "she's a fucking vampire". I let out another snarl. This guy is getting my last nerve. So what if I have pale skin and drink blood occasionally? I'm still a supernatural like them.

The girl pursed her lips before smacking the back of his head. "Stop being so rude". The guy who I assume is Preston just rolled his eyes which made his mate smile.

She then turned to me with the same smile. "It's nice to meet you Cassandra. I'm Caroline and this is my mate Preston" she introduced. She didn't seem all that bad. A little handsy but not bad. I don't think I can say the same for her mate though.

"Jason wanted us to show her around not make shitty introductions so let's get it over with already", Preston huffed. "Hah, no way. I got a pillow mountain waiting for me just behind this door", I said, pointing behind me at my closed bedroom door.

Preston groaned in annoyance before sending a look to Caroline that obviously said 'do something please'. She shrugged a bit with a sheepish smile before grabbing my arm and forcefully dragging me down the hallway. I found myself being surprised at just how strong she is. "Hey, I'm pretty sure this is considered kidnapping. Somebody help!" Caroline was a giggling mess while Preston just rolled his eyes at my antics.

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