Chapter 28- Baseless Assumptions

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Jason's POV

The sound of my phone ringing was what woke me up from my two-hour-long sleep. I growled in annoyance. I was tempted not to pick up the phone but once I'm up, I'm up.

"What?" I ask harshly the moment I pick up the call. My lack of sleep is seriously getting to me. I'm way too tired to deal with shit.

"Alpha, we have a problem".

"What is it, Alfred?" I question less harshly this time as I get off the bed and reach for a glass of water.

"One of the prisoners escaped early this morning and killed some of our guards".

"What?!" The glass slipped from my grip and shattered spilling the water all over the floor but that was the least of my concerns at the moment.

"How did-? Hold on, I'll be there soon", I say hurriedly and hang up. I get ready as fast as possible before rushing downstairs.

My mind was racing going through a million possibilities at a time of what could have possibly happened. I lost some of my pack members. It wasn't something I could easily come to terms with.

"Where are you going?" I turn back on hearing Cassandra's voice. She was standing behind me, leaning on a wall while holding a mug of what I believed to be coffee. She looked so tired like she didn't get much sleep the previous night.

I can relate.

"I'm going to the agency," I tell her softly, giving her a look of genuine concern. "Cass, did you sleep last night?"

She sent me a weak smile before nodding and continued to sip on her coffee whilst avoiding my gaze . "You're lying", I say softly but sternly. "She lets out a sigh and kept her gaze on the mug of coffee in her hands. "I'm fine. I just had another..."

"Nightmare?" I complete for her and she nods slowly, confirming that I was right. I notice her hands trembling so I move over to her and hold her hands to keep them from shaking.

She looks up at me with wide eyes and we hold eye contact for a moment. "It was just a dream alright? None of it happened, none of it is going to happen. You're safe".

She nods before whispering a quiet "Thanks" as she sends me a small smile. I smile back at her while running gently stroking her hair, "I have to go now. I'll be back as soon as possible".

"Okay. Stay safe Jay".

I go into the garage and get into one of my cars and drive to the agency. On the way I kept thinking of what could have happened.

Which prisoner escaped and how exactly did they escape? Only a few people even have access to the holding cells. The only way the prisoner escaped was probably with assistance. I didn't want to believe that that was the case though.

I parked my car before heading into the conference hall where I met Alfred waiting for me. "What where the casualties?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Three dead guards were found in the underground compartment of the cells and seven guards were found dead above".

I let out a low growl at this information. "Has a message been sent to their families?" I asked him while taking a sit at the head of the long table.

"Yes and they weren't happy", I let out a sigh of frustration. Of course they weren't happy. Their relatives were killed on the job.

"Which prisoner escaped?"

"Hendrix Allen", he replied while handing his files over to me.

I rose a brow on hearing the name. I usually always have the names of the people I detain or command to be detained in my memory. On looking at the file I found out why the name wasn't familiar to me. The man had been detained years back by my sister before she had gone missing and before I took over the agency.

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