Chapter 37- Regret and Remorse

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Jason POV
"Are you ready to talk?" Duke stayed silent, a thousand emotions seeming to be swirling in his eyes all at once. Ones that stood out the most being regret and remorse. I didn't let myself believe it, not even for a second because a monster such as this isn't capable of showing such emotion.

"He's talking to you bastard!" Preston punched him hard in the face. A sickening crack followed as Duke's broken nose dripped with blood.

Preston's fists twitched and it was clear he wanted to do more, so much more but we needed to remain calm. Duke was here for a reason and I wanted to know why. He wouldn't have just pranced into my territory again knowing what awaited him. He wasn't that stupid.

I raised my hand, wordlessly telling Preston to stand down. He scoffed before retaking his seat, his eyes still boring daggers into Duke.

Duke on the other hand kept his gaze glued to the white sheets of the hospital bed he was on. Blood continued to drip from his nose and I wondered why he hadn't healed it yet.

"Talk" I ordered, my patience beginning to run thin as he remained silent. I wanted to get as much information as possible before I inevitably kicked him out of my lands... or worse.

His gaze finally raised to meet mine. His green eyes didn't hold that sadistic glint in them that I was used to seeing.

And even more shocking, they were green not red as I remember.

"I-I'm sorry" I didn't expected those words. I didn't expect a stutter and most of all, I didn't expect the quiet tone of his voice. It sounded broken and was coated in regret.

"Your apologies are useless!" Preston yelled in anger. "It wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't change what you fucking did-" his voice cracked and he gulped. Preston buried his head in his palms releasing a shaky breath. I could tell that he was also trying to release the memories of his past.

No one can ever get over seeing the blood coated bodies of the ones you love. No one can handle seeing the lifeless eyes of your younger siblings staring back into yours, knowing that the playful glint in them had vanished for good. And no one can fucking handle to face the cause of it all, sitting in front of you alive and breathing.

Natalie placed a comforting hand on Preston's shoulder. I could tell that she was also trying to hide her own pain. That day may have been years ago but pain never completely vanishes. It just stays hidden till it's triggered to bite you again. A never- ending cycle.

"You aren't welcome here". It was hard for me to just seat there looking at the person that ruined my life. Looking at the person that hurt my pack. The person who broke me.

"I know" he whispered. "But please-" His cocky behavior was gone, he seemed hurt, wounded and for some reason I didn't seem satisfied knowing the fact.

"Forgive me" his head was bowed in a certain submission that was weird to see in a prince of all people. The three of us shared glances and looked back at him again, wondering if this was the same person we knew. The same person that tortured me as a child.

"Why are you here?" Natalie asked cautiously with her brow raised in suspicion. "I wanted to see her", he replied as his gaze flickered to the door. It was only then I realized that Drake was standing there, attentively listening to the entire conversation.

"Her?" Natalie questioned. Her hard gaze never leaving him. "Cassandra", he said her name gently. So many emotions were hidden behind his voice as he said her name. A growl involuntarily escaped me. I didn't want him talking about my mate.

"How do you even know her?" I struggled to keep my voice calm despite the rage building up inside me. Duke didn't say anything and just looked over to his brother who let out a sigh.

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